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  A Major Decision
  Jasmine: Hey, you made it!
  Aladdin: Yeah. It was tough finding my way around campus, but once I tracked down the right parking lot it was smooth sailing from there.
  Jasmine: So, college, huh? It feels 1)weird being on our own, doesn’t it?
  Aladdin: I know, but I can still hear my parents’ words 2)echoing in the back of my head. ①They’re saying:“Don’t slack off, don’t be lazy. And for God’s sake, choose a real Major already.”

  Jasmine: A real Major? What do you mean?
  Aladdin: Well, for the moment, my Major is Liberal Arts.
  Jasmine: What does that mean exactly? Isn’t it like a 3)hodgepodge of different subjects?
  Aladdin: It’s like a more a general area of study, for those who aren’t ready to commit a single course of study yet.
  Jasmine: You mean you still don’t know what you wanna do for a living?
  Aladdin: I’m weighing my options.
  Jasmine: But without a specific Major, you’re not gonna have any options in a 4)cutthroat job market.
  Aladdin: That’s one way of thinking about it. Another way to see it is that tons of students choose a focused Major to start out their college careers, only to realize that they want to do something completely different with their lives.②So they end up having to change their Majors and start all over again, with years of tuition wasted on courses they never really wanted or needed in the first place.
  Jasmine: Sounds like you’re speaking from experience.

  Aladdin: My mom changed her Major twice and got a job before graduation, so she didn’t even get a diploma at first. Then 20 years later, she quits her 5)cushy advertising 6)gig and goes back to school again to get a degree in psychology. The fact is, at age 50, she still was not sure what she wanted to do in life. So how come 99% of university students seem so convinced that they’re on the right path, when the decision-making part of our brains is not even fully formed yet?
  Jasmine: ③It’s all about getting a head start on life.
  Aladdin: But there’s no deadline as far as choosing a path in life. ④As much as our parents and teachers try to pressure us into making this life-changing decision, I rather hold off for now and see how the chips fall.
  Jasmine: But what do you hope to accomplish by putting off your career choice?   Aladdin: Ideally, I hope a career chooses me.
  Smart Sentences
  ① They’re saying: “Don’t slack off, don’t be lazy. And for God’s sake, choose a real Major already.”
  slack off: become lazy or less intense(放松,懈怠)。例如:
  With the Thanksgiving shopping wave almost over, everyone is slacking off.
  ② So they end up having to change their Majors and start all over again, with years of tuition wasted on courses they never really wanted or needed in the first place.
  in the first place: at the beginning of a situation(首先,一开始)。例如:
  I didn’t think we should take on the project in the first place.
  ③ It’s all about getting a head start on life.
  head start: an early start that confers an advantage(领先,有利的开
  Most parents believe that their kids will get a head start in life if they can get in to a good kindergarten.
  ④ As much as our parents and teachers try to pressure us into making this life-changing decision, I rather hold off for now and see how the chips fall.
  hold off: delay doing sth.(推迟,拖延)。例如:
  Margie was asked to hold off her retirement until the end of the stadium construction project next June.

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