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  Self-Revolution: What is "decolonising the museum" in the Western context
  ZHANG Anke
  University of Leicester
  Abstract As a radical approach, "decolonising" is being applied to diverse sectors, as well as to the museum sector. "Decolonising the museum" is an ongoing and evolving process that involves acknowledging and tackling the legacy of ethnography; critically revealing colonial roots and telling the hard truths of colonialism; proactively empowering source communities and including diverse voices and multiple perspectives; and responding to requests for repatriation actively and carefully. This essay is an attempt to clarify what "decolonising the museum" is in the Western context, gather together diverse attitudes and thoughts from museum practitioners, scholars, and pay specific attention to the repatriation of colonial-era collections.
  Keywords decolonising the museum, repatriation of objects, equality and inclusion
  Abstract As a radical approach, "decolonising" is being applied to diverse sectors, as well as to the museum sector. "Decolonising the museum" is an ongoing and evolving process that involves acknowledging and tackling the legacy of ethnography; critically revealing colonial roots and telling the hard truths of colonialism; proactively empowering source communities and including diverse voices and multiple perspectives; and responding to requests for repatriation actively and carefully. This essay is an attempt to clarify what "decolonising the museum" is in the Western context, gather together diverse attitudes and thoughts from museum practitioners, scholars, and pay specific attention to the repatriation of colonial-era collections.
  Keywords decolonising the museum, repatriation of objects, equality and inclusion
  0 Introduction
   The term "decolonising" is not a new concept, but it is becoming increasingly visible in the public consciousness in recent times, due to the efforts of indigenous peoples and activists[1]. Although mainland China never turned into a colony of the British Empire, while Hong Kong did from 1841 to 1997, the result of the Opium War and the ghost of colonialism continue to exert influence on many affairs between the UK and China, not only politically, economically, but also culturally. In terms of decolonisation, it does not merely refer to the geographical independence of the colonised, but it also has something to do with the legacy of this long colonial history. Now we see it is happening throughout the world: the great wave of decolonising in some particular fields, like education, archaeology, and in this essay, museums, which are "almost always a by-product of colonialism or imperial conquest"[2].   This essay is an attempt to gather together different attitudes towards this movement and show the complexities when museums seek to understand and deal with colonial legacies, especially the problems of verifying provenance of some collections. It begins by defining the concept of "decolonising" with the intention to figure out the background and the root cause of this emerging approach within museums. It will then go on to look at the perspectives and practice from museum practitioners, scholars, media, and the relevant issues they have confronted and questioned as well as the consequent challenges. The third section is concerned with the questions surrounding the return of plundered artworks held in Western institutions, particularly focusing on Chinese heritage lost through military loot and illicit sales[3]. Following above examination, the essay will conclude with an applicable suggestion to serve to create a more social inclusive museum.
  1 The Concept of "Decolonising"
   What is "decolonising"? We might begin by understanding the conceptualisation of the term "decolonisation" and the term "decoloniality", and by shedding light on what "coloniality" has brought about.
   To start with, "decolonisation" is a derivative word of "decolonise", which firstly came into use in 1851. The definition of "decolonisation" is "the process in which a country that was previously a colony becomes politically independent" according to the Cambridge English Dictionary. In this sense, "decolonisation" here refers to the dismantlement of the colonial empires, and thus is political and historical to a large extent. While in academia, decolonial theories have been developed by scholars for example Frantz Fanon, [Aní][bal] Quijano, Walter D. Mignolo, Linda Tuhiwai Smith and so on. Here emerges the "epistemic (intellectual) decolonisation"; [Ramó][n] Grosfoguel describes it as "second decolonisation" while the term "decoloniality" instead is preferred by the members of the modernity/coloniality research project so as to indicate the distinction[4]. For them, the terminological advantage of "decoloniality" over "decolonisation" is double. On the one hand, "decoloniality" evolves from "decolonisation", but pays more attention to the decolonisation of knowledge rather than merely of banishing the colonisers from the territory[5]; on the other hand, "decoloniality" obviously identifies the action or the process of revealing and undoing "the logic of coloniality", which distinguishes from the various meanings associated with "post-coloniality"[4]. Having considered the subtle differences between "decolonisation" and "decoloniality", it is time to look at the living legacies of European colonialism so as to better comprehend the significance of "epistemic decolonisation" in the contemporary world.    Frantz Fanon, who is most famous for his "classic analysis of colonialism and decolonisation", has pointed out in The Wretched of the Earth that:
   Colonialism is not simply content to impose its rule upon the present and the future of a dominated country. Colonialism is not satisfied merely with holding a people in its grip and emptying the native’s brain of all form and content. By a kind of perverted logic, it turns to the past of the oppressed people, and distorts, disfigures and destroys it.[6]
   In uncovering the underlying "perverse logic" of colonialism, it is evident that colonisation is not only a political, territorial administration, but also an epistemic domination "of souls, of minds, of spirits, of beings"[4]. Since Fanon’s expression of the epistemic colonisation, the idea that knowledge is colonised as well, and that thus we should think about how to decolonise the "knowledge and being" is widely acknowledged and communicated.
   [Aní][bal] Quijano further introduces the concept of "coloniality of power", which continues to exist to this day in the form of social discriminations and hierarchical orders in spite of the fact that the formal (political) colonialism has been destroyed. He concludes the essay with the assertion that "epistemological decolonisation", as "decoloniality", is required to "clear the way" for a genuinely "intercultural communication" and for an exchange of "experiences and meanings", which is the foundation of "another rationality".[7]
   Expanding upon the concept of "coloniality of power", Walter D. Mignolo focuses on the "unity" of the "colonial matrix of power" that was "created, consolidated, augmented, and controlled by Western imperialism" in the making of the modern/colonial world since the 16th century, of which there are two sides: the evident "rhetoric of modernity" and the darker "logic of coloniality"; that is to say, without coloniality, there is no modernity[5]. What’s more, standing on the foundation of racial classification and patriarchal relations, that specific structure (i.e. "colonial matrix of power"), according to Mignolo, manages and controls four interrelated spheres, namely economy, authority, gender and sexuality, knowledge and subjectivity, in which it operates and produces many a hierarchic order, for example, a military hierarchy, a spiritual hierarchy, an epistemic hierarchy, an aesthetic hierarchy and so on[5]. However, keep in mind that it is at the "epistemological level that the rhetoric of modernity" gains prevalence[4]. For that reason, "epistemic decolonisation" is absolutely necessary, important and imperative. Apart from the task of recognising and destroying the logic of coloniality, "decoloniality", synonymous with decolonial thinking and decolonial doing, as Mignolo claims, also means the task of contributing to the global futures in which "many worlds will coexist"[5].    Taken together, it shows that both the term "decolonisation" and the term "decoloniality" take on the layer of meaning of epistemic disobedience. With the purpose of signifying the continuing process of delinking from the colonial power structure that functions in the "bureaucratic, cultural, linguistic and psychological" spheres[8], the term "decolonising" is preferred and used more frequently in the essay.
  2 Decolonial Thinking
入选理由 通过与职业院校开展多领域、多层次、多级别的校企合作填补企业快速发展过程中的人才缺口,努力形成全方位、多领域的政、企、校三方共赢校企合作模式,为提升我国汽车职业教育整体水平作出了贡献。  亮点 2012年,依托国家人力资源和社会保障部的政策指引,携手全国各大职业院校,东风日产加大力度培养汽车产业人才。一方面,整合产业端资源,协调东风日产全价值链各环节需求,因需备才;另一方面,与学校共同开发
爱情劳作:在电影批评中还有批评的空间吗  我常常有这么一种感觉,那就是察觉到,除非一个人是名人,或是有些名气,否则的话, 他们就不应该这样做,即让对自己记忆的回眸存在于他们的批评之中。而那些没有经验的、 这样去做的少数人则会有被看成是自大狂或是吹牛者的危险。但是,一个人一定想知道,这样一种想法到底有多危险?或许像这样的许多缺点在学术上都是可以避免的?所谓的批评,无非就是自愿地给那些被我们现在完全看
摘 要 前元庄教育实验的兴衰对于我们思考改革开放后的农村教育改革极具启示,农村教育的改革与发展不能受制于城乡分治的思维束缚,应该考量城乡关系的发展。改革开放以来,农村教育在城镇化的裹挟下,经历了封闭探索、陷入困境、以城带乡等阶段。当前,我国的农村教育改革应更加关注农村自身的特色,结合农村社区发展的需要,走出一条田园教育发展的道路。  关键词 前元庄教育实验;城镇化;农村教育;田园教育  中图分类号
非五言遣怀  你指给我看枝头  它们也曾是一些冻柿子  小事和大事挂在一起  家国陈列在此处  以杨桃叶的细弱和绿  榕树中端坐神仙  教育好了的,为人民服务  生死和平白的脸漂浮起来  红色蜡油烫出冬天的戒疤  我们跨进大门  有时辨认捐款人的名字,有时不  看到湖,说“好大的湖”  看到字,是“好黑的字”  而看到碎瓦片和枯枝  文盲一时也失去了壮志  岭南气候报告  弯曲手臂。伞如同尖刺  
中高职衔接求解五大关键问题  问题一,教育层次价值取向的社会共识根深蒂固,职业教育吸引力严重不足。为此,要本于教育原理,提高全社会对职业教育类型价值的共识。教育的本质是使“人”成为“社会人”、“全面发展的人”、“对社会有价值的人”。本于教育原理,提高全社会对职业教育类型价值的认同,确立职业教育在我国教育体系中与普通教育相同的地位。同时,提升一线劳动者的经济与社会地位,增强职业教育的吸引力。问题二,
入选理由 从聘请条件和程序、组织管理及经费来源等方面对职业学校兼职教师的管理做了具体规定,是职业学校兼职教师聘用的指导性文件,对于保障职业学校兼职教师的素质,推动“双师型”教师队伍建设,强化职业教育的实践性,提高职业教育人才培养质量等方面具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。  主要内容 兼职教师占职业学校专兼职教师总数的比例应在学校岗位设置方案中明确,一般不超过30%。在基本条件方面,聘请的兼职教
入选理由 集全国职业教育界众多研究者之力,将职业教育置于经济社会发展全局中,用数据还原了2002年至2012年十年来职业教育的发展成就与贡献,挑战与对策。  主要观点 书中认为,十年来,职业教育取得了辉煌的成就,建立了世界上规模最大的职业教育体系;形成了基本完善的职业教育法律制度体系;探索了灵活多样的职业教育办学模式;确立了覆盖广泛的职业教育学生资助体系;走出了一条中国特色的职业教育发展道路。同时
摘 要:在“强制阐释论”与“公共阐释论”之间存在着内在关联,这就是审美活动作为流畅的时间意识或时间视域。在这一前牵后挂、晕圈化的愉悦过程中,审美主体始终指向审美对象,且这一时间意识是由审美主体与特定的、高度固化而不可能进行化约、改易的构成艺术作品诸因素之间的空间性关系所奠基的。西方当代文论中的“强制阐释论”倾向就是以科学主义的无时间性、非时间性来僭越审美活动的时间性,取消了审美活动作为时间意识的流
11月17 日《观察者》报道,乌干达政府和其他一些捐赠者宣布,要投资8000万美元,对目前职业培训机构的基本设施进行投资,并在整个国家范围内建立一些新的职业培训机构,主要投资领域涉及建筑、农业、电器安装、机械、装修等专业,同时加强对指导者和技术员工的培训,其主要目标是通过招收更多的职业教育学生,以及提高学生的教学质量,支持乌干达的经济发展,并在未来30年内把乌干达发展成一个现代化、工业化、独立、繁
在高年级教材中,有很多状物类的说明文,这类文章主要是对所写对象的特性进行详细的描述,以丰富学生的科学见闻。课标强调在阅读教学中要培养学生的语用能力,说明文是一种特殊的文体,需遵守“通过要点理解掌握说明方法”这一教学要求,实现有针对性的教学,这样,才能培养学生的语用能力。  一、引导赏析,体验说明文语言的精准性  说明文所使用的语言往往都是非常凝练、准确的,教师要用怎样的教学方法才能让学生对这一语言