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三七片中,三七原药材以生粉入药,在原药材皱折中不同程度地存在着泥砂杂质。泥砂中含有铁屑。投料前虽经挑选,75%乙醇处理,在粉碎后生药粉中用φ8cm园形磁铁能检查出铁屑,铁屑很细,很难除尽。为除去铁屑采取下列措施。取三七原药材50kg,置入直径120cm,边高30cm的铝盘内,加自来水用力淘洗,捞出再用75%乙醇洗去附在表层的异物,烘干粉碎成细粉。经这样处理后,生药粉用φ8cm磁铁检查,没有发现铁屑。 In Sanqi Tablets, the raw materials of Panax notoginseng are powdered with raw materials. In the wrinkles of the original medicinal materials, mud sand impurities are present to varying degrees. Silt contains iron scraps. Although the material was selected before the feeding, 75% ethanol treatment, in the crushed raw powder with φ8cm round magnet can check out the iron, iron is very fine, it is difficult to get rid of. Take the following measures to remove the iron filings. Take 50g of the original medicinal material of Panax notoginseng, place it into an aluminum pan with a diameter of 120cm and a side height of 30cm, add tap water to the pan, wash and remove the foreign material attached to the surface with 75% ethanol, and dry and crush into fine powder. After this treatment, the raw powder was examined with a φ8cm magnet and no iron filings were found.
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