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灭治林木果树、土壤、堤塘白蚁的特效药WYA—8202白蚁诱杀剂该品系目前国内防治林木果树、土壤堤塘白蚁的首选药剂。多次在国际、国内获奖。目前已有18个省市的2180余家林业、水利、果树、药材单位使用,投放WYA—8202白蚁诱杀剂(简称“8202诱杀... Control tree trees, soil, dyke termites special effects medicine WYA-8202 termite trapping agent The strain at present domestic trees and trees, soil dyke termites preferred agents. Many times in the international and domestic awards. At present, 2180 forestry, water conservancy, fruit trees and medicinal materials units of 18 provinces and cities have been put into operation, and the WYA-8202 termiticide trapping agent (referred to as "8202 trapping ...
英语动词的被动语态通常是由“be+过去分词”构成的。如:The library is usually closed atsix.The plan was made yesterday.这种表示被动动作的“Be-Passive”结构通常称
A joint-pixel clutter suppression method based on slope compensation is proposed in this paper. In order to eliminate the effect of the terrain interferometric
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Based on public key, a quantum identity authenticated (QIA) system is proposed without quantum entanglement. The public key acts as the authentication key of a
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。传球技术[5]@麻雪田 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Passing tech
2008年4月,哈尔滨市全面启动了中等职业学校全员参与的教师岗位大练兵活动。先后制定下发了中职学校教师大练兵工作方案、《哈尔滨市中等 April 2008, Harbin City, launche