Projects to Develop Software Park of Henan Province

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  1.Project name:Henan Provincial software Park(HPSP)
  2.Project Proprietor:the Heneral Corporation for Economic and Technological Development Zone
  3.Project feasibility:With the arrival of knowledge-driven economy,the 21stcentury sees the rapid development of information technology.Computersoftware is the basis and core of the information technology and the Chinese government and enterprises are sparing no effort to develop the softwaere industuy.So far the central government has approved12 state-level software industrial parks.Henan Province tops the central and western China provinces and autonomous regions and radks fifth in the entire conutry in software companies.The Henan Provincial Hoernment has attached great importance to software production and development.It is behind ghe construction of the proposed HPSP,having promised a string of policy privileges with regard to capital ynput,taxation and use of land to investors there while working to simplify the procedures for project examination and approval.The HPSP is designed to cover an area of 33 hectares,comprising some 100three-story workshop buildings special for software production and development,residential building of 60,000 square meters in floor space,along with green spors,flower terraces nad a sports ground.Structures in the HPSP willbe modern in style,and built in such a way as to afford the best comfort and ease to those working and living there.
  4.Scale of the Construction:The HPSP is designed to cover 33 hecares,where some 100 three-story workshop uildings and residential buildings of 60,000 square meters in floor space will be built along with green spots folwer terraces and a sports gronud.
  5.Investment:The total investment is enstmated at US$20 million,including US$15 million in foreign funds.
  6.Forms of Cooperateion:The Zhengzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone will provede developers and software investors to use the land space at preferential prices,and there will also be tax priveleges for them.
  Liaison:Chen Xiaodong,Du Xudong
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