“I Have Confidence in China’s Development Zones”

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  "Although it has not been long since I came to China, I am deeply impressed by the country‘s development zones," says Dennis M. Tomes, President of Bretton Woods Group. "Take Tianjin Economic Development Zone and Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area," he adds, "they not only embrace numerous industries, but also have great functions, which has placed them in the ranks of international professionals. No wonder they are dubbed windows of the Chinese economy to the world."
  Tomes, an MBA from a well-known business school in Europe, is an expert who has 20 years‘ experiences in international business and investment. His current visit to China is surely investment oriented, but the venue is neither in Tianjin nor Beijing. Instead, it is geared to Yanjiao Economic Development Zone in Hebei Province, which is 30 kilometers to the east of the Tiananmen Square.
  In early June, Tomes, on behalf of his U.S. partner - the Intercontinental Commerce Group (ICC) - signed an agreement with Asia Star Group (China), and the contracted investment totals US$500 million. In line with the agreement, the two parties will construct a 800, 000-square-meter Asia Star Digital Science and Technology Park in Yanjiao Economic Development Zone in the coming five years and make it China‘s largest export base for hi-tech software.
  As a company long engaged in investment and management counseling, the Bretton Woods Group has spread its global business to areas including hi-tech, real estate, telecommunications, software, digital media and entertainment.
  "Our investment in Asia Star Digital Science and Technology Park is out of our confidence in the broad prospects for China‘s software export," says Tomes.
  Regarding doubts raised by some foreign economists and business institutions about China‘s economic development, Tomes agrees that on every issue there could be positive or negative comments. In his opinion, China is experiencing the best decade in its history of economic development when many industries are imbued with huge potentials that any person with a vision must not underestimate.
  Tomes reveals that Asia Star Digita Science and Technology Park is only a start in a series of Bretton Woods‘ long-term investment in China. He expresses the wish that he could make field visits to more development zones to discover more and better opportunities for investment.
  Photo caption: Dennis M. Tomes without our reporter.
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