搶救‘國寶’大熊貓:已做大量工作 尚須努力十年

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本刊一九八四年第一期报道过四川省一九八三年搶救世界珍稀動物大熊貓的情况。现在怎么样了…… Our first issue of 1984 reported on the rescue of the world’s rare giant panda in Sichuan Province in 1983. how is it now……
筛胸梳爪叩甲(Melanotus cribricollis)是我国南方竹林区重要的地下害虫,监测及防治相当困难。为了探索竹林金针虫搜索地下食物的机制,利用四臂嗅觉仪测定了筛胸梳爪叩甲幼虫
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青城天下幽上清宫内我重游, 信是青城天下幽。碧洞丹台尘俗少, 歧棕银杏客踪稠。迷濛薄雾飞花雨, 浩淼烟波洒素秋。最喜登高千里目, 岷峨万象绕神州。重访邛崃邛州别去十三
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Strasburg, Pa.——They come from all over the world to the tiny town of Strasburg, population 2,000-retired engineers, conductors, brakemen, railroad buffs, hi
A little while later, his uncle’s family also came. The whole family had a great time together. At noon time, everybody had birthday noodles. Grandpa was very