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有些做母亲的总喜欢将小宝宝搂在怀里睡觉,甚至将奶头含在孩子嘴里,认为这样可使孩子吃得饱、睡得香、长得快。其实,这种习惯有很多害处。首先,这样含着奶头,吃吃睡睡,睡睡吃吃,孩子夜间吃奶过多,造成消化不良,拉肚子,养成不按时吃奶的习惯,影响孩子的正常生长发育。这样一旦妈妈不能陪睡时,孩子就哭闹不安;让孩子含着奶头,当母亲睡着了易将孩子的口鼻堵住,因此而发生窒息死亡事故。第二、搂着睡觉的孩子,睡得位置较低,孩子的头常常在被窝里面,呼吸的空气很不新鲜,含氧量很低,而小儿时期需氧量却是很大的,特别是脑子需氧量更大。这样,由于睡觉时缺氧,势必影响孩子的生长发育,特别影响脑的发育。这种孩子醒来后没有精神,不易恢复疲劳,食欲差、情绪低、易烦躁哭闹,这样长久下去,长大了其智力就会受影响。第三、搂着孩子睡,当母亲睡着了就易压着孩子,压得喘不过气来。有的孩子和大人同睡一被窝,被其父亲的腿压死。 Some mothers always like to hold their baby in their arms to sleep, and even put their nipples in their mouths, believing that this will enable their children to eat full, sleep well and grow fast. In fact, this habit has many disadvantages. First of all, this contains the teat, eat sleep, sleep eat, eat too much at night, resulting in indigestion, diarrhea, develop the habit of not sucking on time, affecting the child’s normal growth and development. So that once the mother can not sleep together, the child is crying and restless; let the child contain the nipple, when the mother fell asleep easily blocked the child’s nose and mouth, resulting in suffocation fatal accident. Second, the children who sleep around their sleeves have lower sleeping places. The child’s head is often in the bed. The air to be breathed is not fresh and the oxygen content is very low. However, the amount of oxygen needed during childhood is very large, especially Brain oxygen demand more. In this way, due to hypoxia during sleep, it is bound to affect the child’s growth and development, in particular, affect brain development. This child wakes up after no spirit, not easy to recover fatigue, poor appetite, low mood, irritability and crying, so long-term, grow up their intelligence will be affected. Third, arms around the child to sleep, when the mother fell asleep prone to pressure on the child, suppressed breathlessly. Some children slept with their grown-ups and was crushed by their father’s legs.
We extend the classical Gibbs theory for smooth potentials to the geometric Gibbs theory for certain continuous potentials.We study the existence and uniqueness
The regionally proximal relation of order d along arithmetic progressions,namely AP[d]for d ∈ N,is introduced and investigated.It turns out that if (X,T) is a