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现将国家经济贸易委员会《关于制止出售国有小企业成风有关问题的通知》转发给你们,请结合实际,认真贯彻执行。关于制止出售国有小企业成风有关问题的通知近年来,各地认真贯彻党中央、国务院关于深化国有企业改革的方针、政策,采取多种形式,积极推进国有小企业改革,使一大批小企业走向了市场,增强了活力。但最近一段时间,少数地方在国有小企业改制中,出现了一股出售小企业成风的错误倾向。一些地方政府的领导同志片面理解中央关于放开搞活小企业的方针,把严肃、复杂的国有小企业改革简单化 The “Circular on Issues Concerning the Suppression of the Sale of Small State-Owned, State-Owned Enterprises” of the State Economic and Trade Commission is forwarded to you. Please combine the actual situation and earnestly implement it. Circular on Issues Concerning the Suppression of the Sale of Small State-Owned Enterprises In recent years, various localities have conscientiously implemented the guidelines and policies of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises. They have taken various forms and actively promoted the reform of state-owned small enterprises, bringing a large number of small enterprises to the direction. The market has increased its vitality. However, in the recent period, in a small number of localities in the restructuring of small state-owned enterprises, there has been a tendency to sell small businesses into the wrong direction. Some leading comrades of local governments have a one-sided understanding of the Central Government’s policy of liberalizing small businesses and simplifying the reform of serious and complicated state-owned small enterprises.
黑龙江省伊春市第二中学位于小兴安岭南麓,至今已有50年的办学历史。学校校园环境优美,是黑龙江省省级文明单位、省绿色环保学校、省教育科研先进单位等。 Second Middle Sc
败下阵来    “银家细兜蝶伦歌迷嘛!”  听着我的学生罗玲说的外星语,我倍感毛骨悚然,仿佛被一掌推入火星时代。  “好好说话!周杰伦就周杰伦!不要什么兜蝶伦!”  我板着脸,做严师状。  可这位最听老师话的罗玲居然用一种最不屑的眼光瞄了我,“刘老师,你不懂!”  是啊!我的确不懂,我搞不懂现在的偶像明星怎么连话都说不清楚,可喜欢他的学生却照样为他发疯。  我有点悲哀地想起了我激情而幼稚的岁月,我
在这里,优小为你们传递亲情、友情、师生情,真情不断。灾区的小朋友们你们好:你们四川的大地震,牵动着全国每一个人的心。 Here, excellent small for your affection, frie
忠者:女,42岁。下唇反复肿痛,鳞屑覆盖、脱皮、轻度糜烂3年,经长期外涂氢化可的松软膏、口服氯喹、维生素 B_1、B_2、强的松龙普鲁卡因局部封闭, Loyal: Female, 42 years
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