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青岛很有吸引力柳在浩先生是韩国东周产业株式会社社长,2月10日在印度刚开完每年一次的东周跨国集团年会,一回到韩国就邀请我们去他的企业。柳先生曾经9次到中国考察访问,走遍了中国的20多个城市,每到一地都要详细了解情况,认真分析当地市场的发展。前8次的行程他都没选定在中国的投资发展地,当第9次来中国后,初次到青岛就给他留下了深刻的印象。他看好青岛的原因,青岛是一个沿海中心城市,特别适合创业和居住,到青岛投资有利于企业长远发展,他说,上海、北京、广州等城市已经很稳定,投资空间已经有限,如果在那里竞争,已经没有太大的利益。青岛与他们不同,有很大的市场潜力。东周产业在全球有60家子公司,产品涉及手机、照相机、电视、家电、汽车、模具等行业,柳先生介绍,在日本5家大的模具企业中,其中3家是东周集团的。他对中国招商引资有自己的看法,认为招商不应只是招进一个、二个企业,应该引进的是一个行业、一个跨国集团。如果将东周的中国总部落户在青岛,仅每三个月一次120人的集团会议,就能让一个宾馆有固定的收益。他也用企业家的 Qingdao is very attractive Mr. Liu Zaihao is the president of South Korea’s Eastern Zhou Dynasty Industry Co., Ltd., the annual meeting of the East Zhou multinational group that has just opened in India on February 10, and once he returns to South Korea, he invites us to his company. Mr. Liu visited China nine times and traveled to more than 20 cities in China. Everywhere he goes, he needs to know more about the situation and carefully analyze the development of the local market. He did not choose the first 8 trips in China’s investment and development, when the 9th to China, the first time to Qingdao left him a deep impression. He is optimistic about the reason for Qingdao. Qingdao is a coastal city and is particularly suitable for start-ups and residences. Investing in Qingdao is conducive to the long-term development of enterprises. He said that Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou have been very stable and the investment space is limited. If there Competition, there is not much benefit. Qingdao different from them, there is great market potential. Eastern Zhou industry in the world has 60 subsidiaries, products related to mobile phones, cameras, TVs, appliances, automobiles, mold and other industries, Mr. Liu introduced in Japan 5 mold enterprises, of which 3 are Eastern Zhou Group. He has his own views on China’s investment attraction and believes that investment promotion should not only involve one or two enterprises, but should be introduced into an industry and a multinational group. If the East China headquarters in China is settled in Qingdao, only once every three months, a group meeting of 120 people, can make a hotel have a fixed income. He also used entrepreneurs
笔者对内蒙古自治区16所普通高校体育教师现状进行了调查。主要调查了年龄结构、男女教师比例、职称和学历情况等。 The author investigated the status quo of physical
编辑同志: 留意这些年的《学校体育》杂志和其他体育报刊及各地召开的教改研讨会、经验交流会,我们不难发现,在介绍教改情况时,大多是报喜不报优的,似乎每一项改革都硕果累