
来源 :中国减灾 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lijiarose
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7月8日,民政部部长李立国在民政部会见中国气象局局长郑国光一行,两部门就加强防灾减灾合作进行交流。民政部副部长窦玉沛参加会见。郑国光对近年来民政部与中国气象局在防灾减灾方面的合作给予充分肯定,并希望下一步能与民政部建立开展气象灾害联合调查机制,深化信息共享机制,加强基层防灾减灾体系建设,联合打造中国减灾科普宣传品牌,推动防灾减灾政策法规及标准建设,共同加强防灾减灾救灾领域国际合作。 On July 8, Minister of Civil Affairs Li Liguo met with Zheng Guoguang, director of China Meteorological Administration at the Ministry of Civil Affairs and his delegation. Both agencies exchanged views on strengthening cooperation in disaster prevention and mitigation. Vice Minister of Civil Affairs Dou Yupei attended the meeting. Zheng Guoguang fully affirmed the cooperation between the Ministry of Civil Affairs and China Meteorological Administration in disaster prevention and mitigation in recent years and hoped that the next step would be to establish a joint investigation mechanism for meteorological disasters with the Ministry of Civil Affairs to deepen the information sharing mechanism and strengthen the construction of grassroots disaster prevention and mitigation system , To jointly build a science propaganda brand for disaster reduction in China, promote policies, regulations and standards for disaster prevention and reduction, and jointly strengthen international cooperation in the field of disaster prevention, mitigation and relief.
27岁的世界乒坛名将刘南奎,目前在寻找一种全新的感觉,他决心凭着这种感觉在亚特兰大奥运会上取得佳绩。 这位前奥运会男子单打冠军对球的感觉是最敏锐的,世界乒坛很少有人
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让中华人民共和国国歌再次奏晌,让鲜艳的五星红旗在亚特兰大迎风飘扬! Let the People’s Republic of China anthem play once again, so bright five-star red flag flutt