四种不同的经营管理方法 四种不同的经济效果

来源 :财会通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ytfonrt
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四川省巴中县食品公司四年来历经四种经营管理方法,取得四种不同的经济效果。1980年统收统支,吃“大锅饭”,亏损2.1万元;1981年对基层单位评比费用率,盈利9.4万元;1982年按核算单位分项指标算奖,盈利41.6万元;1983年实行责、权、利相结合的承包经营责任制,至11月底实现利润87万元,比1982年同期上升77.55%。这个公司曾多次获得中央商业部和地、县的奖励。1983年,他们主要抓了下列三方面的工作。实行责、权,利相结合的承包经营责任制,职工工资、奖金与利润指标挂钩。公司将全年33万元的利润计划承包给17个站、厂、组、队、场,超额实现的利润留给企业作为发展生产和职工奖金,未完成利润的单位除免奖外,并由自有资金和职工的一部分工资予以补足。二、在企业内部实行定额管理,建立必要的 Sichuan Bazhong food company four years after four kinds of management methods, made four different economic effects. In 1980, unification, eat “big pot”, a loss of 21000 yuan; in 1981 the grass-roots unit appraisal expense ratio, profit 94000 yuan; in 1982 according to accounting unit sub-index calculation prize, profit 416000 yuan; 1983 The responsibility system of contracting management combining responsibility, right and interest combined to achieve a profit of 870,000 yuan by the end of November, an increase of 77.55% over the same period of 1982. The company has repeatedly won the Central Commerce Department and prefectural and county awards. In 1983, they mainly focused on the following three aspects of work. Implementation of the responsibility, rights and interests of the combination of contract management responsibility system, employee wages, bonuses and profit targets linked. The Company will contract profits of 330,000 yuan for the whole year to 17 stations. The profit earned by the plant, group, team and field will be left to the enterprise as bonus for development production and staff. Own funds and part of the wages of workers to be made up. Second, the implementation of quotas within the enterprise management, the establishment of the necessary
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