
来源 :电影画刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xp509
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《我爱你》是关于年轻人的故事,从内容到形式都十分青春蓬勃。但你很难说它是一部青春片。对于“青春片”,我们看多了日本与韩国(也许还有新加坡)演绎的情深似海又情柔如水的那种,当然多数还少不了添加上三个角四个角的来来回回纠纠葛葛。这样的影视故事,看上去曲折复杂,实际上我们知道它内涵简单、单簿,于是“青春片”常常与简单单薄同义,没有大家都认同都着迷的青春偶像来支撑的话,“青春片”就很难看。国内拍的这类电视剧总是不怎么火,原因或许就是我们的“青春偶像”还没真正获得市场意义的“成熟”。“小燕子”仿佛挺有几分“偶像”味道,但她起家的却不是正宗青春片,是 “I love you” is a story about young people, from content to form are very young and vigorous. But you can hardly tell that it is a youth piece. For the “youth film,” we see more of Japan and South Korea (and perhaps Singapore) interpretation of love and tenderness of the kind of sea, of course, most of the indispensable to add the three corners of the four corners to come and go Dispute Ge. This film and television story, looks twists and turns complicated, in fact we know it is simple, single book, so “youth film” is often synonymous with simple, not everyone agrees with the fascination of youth idols to support the words, “youth film” It is very ugly. The kind of TV drama that is being shot domestically is not always on fire, perhaps because of the “maturity” that our “youth idol” has not really gained market significance. “Little Swallow” seems to be quite a bit “idol” taste, but she did not start an authentic youth film is
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