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我科自1986年以来,在行前列腺增生摘除术时,遇到导尿管插入困难时,采用丝线牵引的方法,均能顺利插入。现将其方法介绍如下。材料准备选F16号金属尿道探杆及40cm左右长的7号丝线。在距金属尿道探杆末端1cm处,打一直径0.2cm的侧孔,左右相通。操作方法按常规自尿道外口插入金属尿道探杆,在膀胱内显露其末端侧孔,将7号丝线穿过探杆的侧孔并结扎牢靠,然后拔除尿道探杆,此时丝线一并带出尿道外口,将丝线在尿道探杆处剪断,穿针缝在导尿管末端并结扎,术者右手在膀胱内牵拉丝线,助手配合术者的动作插入导尿管。 Since 1986, our department in the line of prostate hyperplasia surgery, encountered catheterization difficulties, the use of wire traction method, can be successfully inserted. Now the method described below. Material preparation Select F16 metal urethral probe and about 40cm long No. 7 silk. At a distance of 1 cm from the end of the metal urethra probe, a side hole with a diameter of 0.2 cm was drilled and left and right connected. Method of operation From the urethral catheter inserted into the metal urethra outside the probe, revealing the terminal side of the hole in the bladder, the No. 7 silk through the probe hole and firmly ligation, and then remove the urethral probe, the thread together with the band Out of the urethral orifice, the thread cut in the urethra probe, needle stitches at the end of the catheter and ligation, the surgeon’s right hand in the bladder pull the wire, the assistant with the surgeon’s action into the catheter.
例1 男,16岁,1984年4月某日额头皮肤被野蜂螫伤,局部肿痛,数日后颜面、颈、四肢逐渐出现水肿反复发作,入院前半年水肿加重、尿少、乏力,于1985年5月26日入院。体检:Bp14/8kP
肾绞痛为泌尿科的常见病,自1990年以来我院用维生素K_3治疗治疗肾绞痛58例,效果满意。现报告如下: 1 临床资料1.1 一般资料本组58例患者,男41例, Renal colic is a common
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我院自1989年4月至1990年12月对543例泌尿系结石病人应用美芝JT-ESWL-Ⅲ型体外震波碎石机进行1008人次治疗(ESWL),疗效满意,现总结如下。 Our hospital from April 1989 to