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电脑辞典究竟是什么样的东西呢?从外观看,其大小同普通的笔记本相仿。小的只有名片大。如果不打开来用,它是一件不起眼的物品。其核心是用超大规模集成电路做成的微型处理器和数据存贮器,由处理器控制电脑辞典的运行。通过上面的标准英文键盘,能够输入英文、汉字、数字等信息,然后在其液晶屏幕上显示出来。它完全是一台独立运行的掌上型个人计算机。既然名为电脑辞典,那么主要功能就应该体现在查阅英汉、汉英字典上。目前的电脑辞典里一般装有5万到50万个不等的英文单词,还有10多万英文整句,不仅能够在液晶屏幕上显示翻译出来的句子和单词,还能自动模拟真人的声音读出来。 What is the computer dictionary what kind of thing? Look from the outside, its size is similar to an ordinary notebook. Small business card only. If you do not open it, it is a humble item. Its core is the use of ultra-large-scale integrated circuits made of microprocessors and data storage, the processor control computer dictionary operation. Through the above standard English keyboard, you can input English, Chinese characters, numbers and other information, and then displayed on the LCD screen. It is a completely independent palm-top personal computer. Since it is called a computer dictionary, then the main function should be reflected in access to English, Chinese and English dictionaries. The current computer dictionary generally contains 50,000 to 500,000 words ranging from English, there are more than 100,000 English sentences, not only can be translated on the LCD screen to display the sentences and words, but also automatically simulate the voice of the real people read out.
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