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旧时以“夜郎国”为代称的贵州少数民族山区,经过10年改革开放的实践,如今成了啥模样?最近,记者从黔东北到黔西南,在三个民族自治州15个县采访,得到的印象是:经济在崛起,山河展新颜!各州、县的国民生产总值、工农业总值、财政收入及国民收入等经济指标,均呈持续稳定发展的好势头。 曲径通幽 处在西部不发达地区的民族山区,如何提高生产力?如何摆脱贫困面貌?这里的干部群众从实践中越来越清醒地看到:没有现成的路子可走,必须从本地实际出发,探索出治穷致富、振兴经济的规律来。 改革开放之初,各州、县脱贫致富心切,没仔细分析民族地区与东部发达地区在经济社会、地理环境、科学文化等方面的差异,盲目学习“苏南模式”、“温州模式”,办起许多乡镇企业。结果,劲没少 Recently, the reporter came from Qiandongbei to Qianxinan and interviewed 15 counties of the three ethnic autonomous prefectures in the past few years after obtaining the practice of 10 years of reform and opening up. The impression is: the economy is rising, Sunward Show new! The economic indicators such as gross national product, gross value of industry and agriculture, fiscal revenue and national income of all prefectures and counties showed a good momentum of sustained and steady development. How to Get Rid of Poverty? How can cadres and the masses here see more and more clearly from their practice that without ready-made ways, we must proceed from the actual conditions of our own country, Explore the rule of getting rich and rejuvenating the economy. At the beginning of the reform and opening up, all the counties and counties were extremely eager to get rid of poverty. They did not carefully analyze the differences in economy, society, geography, science and culture between the ethnic areas and the developed areas in the east, and blindly studied the “Sunan Model” and “Wenzhou Model” Many township enterprises. As a result, no less fresh
广州地理研究所是华南地区唯一的综合性地理研究所。1958年成立,经历了30年曲折而坎坷的历程,今已届“而立”之年。 30年来,尤其是复所10年来的艰苦奋斗,完成了国家和地方下
无惧冲撞马刺队菜鸟替补中前锋布莱尔(DeJuan Blair),在场上以运动力和体能在禁区讨生活,虽然身高仅201厘米,却能在激烈冲撞的油漆区里担任重要的替补。不过在今年季后赛首轮
你交往的这个男人是个优秀男人吗? 从整体穿着来品评举个例来说吧!一个从头到脚都穿着同一个设计师服装的男人,跟一个每天都穿蓝上衣卡其裤的男人有何不同呢?他们都是没创意
报道了n型掺杂ZnSe/BeTe/ZnSeⅡ型量子阱(type-ⅡQW)在极低温(5—10 K)条件下的各种光学性质.磁场中(Farada配置)ZnSe层的反射光谱展示了一个典型的负的带电激子(X-)的跃迁特
As a part of China 2009 World Philatelic Exhibition----the“Tour Show” which covers 60 cities arrived at its ninth stop Xinyang City,He Nan Province on Decembe
展览:Out oftheBox时间:2010年12月17日—2011年1月31日地点:Boers-Li画廊(北京·798)冬日午后的798,Boers-Li画廊的小门敞开着,“Out of the Box”是Boers-Li画廊从草场地搬
采用何种热处理工艺来提高汽车齿轮的精度和寿命,是一个值得探讨的问题。本文作者从我国汽车齿轮热处理现状出发,对碳氮分渗工艺作了一些探索,同时在进行试验。 What kind o