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本次课题项目是一部VR纪录片。我们的内容,就像它的名字一样,霓裳在中国也有意指汉服的意思。我们通过网上关于汉服古代的相关制式资料及图片,分别设计出了汉、唐、明三个在中国古代最具有象征性的朝代中,所出现的传统的女性汉服之一。由于汉服制式的严谨性,在前期的查阅资料与设计中花费了不少时间,再将设计的样式寻找合适的店家进行定做,所以在前期不但花费了许多的时间,也花费了许多的资金。但是这一切都是值得的,我们的汉服成品最后无论在质感还是,制式上都比较理想。在前期不仅还要对汉服的制式做了相关研究,我也负责了对于本片的剧本以及分镜进行了详细的设计,也获得了组员与指导老师的肯定;在中期的拍摄阶段,我为了尽量还原从前那种复古的偏暖画面,体现我国古代传统服饰的优雅与美丽,起到弘扬我们中华传统文化的效果,我在拍摄时,对灯光也进行了详细的设计,由于想还原古代时的复古美,我组决定全片在影棚中进行拍摄,并使用绿色背景布,为了后期的绿布抠像,将背景换成画纸,对影片的复古尽量进行还原,并全权负责了全片的拍摄;在后期制作上,片头我组采用二维动画进行全片的引导,再进行绿布抠像,尽量使画面做到惟妙惟肖。 This project is a VR documentary. Our content, just like its name, colorful clothes in China also means the meaning of Chinese clothing. Through the online information about the ancient Chinese style of the Han Dynasty, we have separately designed three Han Chinese, Tang and Ming dynasties, one of the traditional female Han dresses appeared in the most symbolic dynasties in ancient China. Due to the strictness of the Chinese style clothing, spent a lot of time in the early access to information and design, and then look for the design of the right store for custom, so in the early stage not only spent a lot of time, but also spent a lot of money. But all this is worth it, the final of our Hanfu finished in terms of texture or, the system is more ideal. In the early period, not only did the research on the style of the Chinese clothing be done, but I also took charge of the detailed design of the script and the lens of the film, as well as the affirmation of the members and the instructor. During the medium shooting stage, I In order to try to restore the kind of vintage warm picture, reflect the ancient Chinese traditional costumes elegant and beautiful, play our traditional Chinese culture to promote the effect, I was shooting, the lights were also detailed design, due to want to restore the ancient When the group of the United States, I decided to set the whole film in the studio shooting, and the use of green background cloth, green cloth keying for the later, the background into paper, the retro as far as possible to restore the film, and full responsibility for the whole Filming; in post-production, the title I group using two-dimensional animation for the whole film guide, and then green cloth keying, try to make the picture be vivid.
20 0 0年 1 0月华北地区 ML≥ 3.0地震动态根据中国地震局分析预报中心提供的资料 ,2 0 0 0年 10月华北地区 (33.0°~ 42 .0°N,111.0°~12 5 .0°E)共发生 ML≥ 3.0地震 4次 (
摘要:增值税是三大流转税之一,税额的计算采取的是税款抵扣制度,而运输费用的税务处理既涉及到进项税额的计算,又涉及到销项税额的计算,其处理的原则又不尽相同,本文将就运输费用在增值税会计核算时的要点进行分析。  运输费用是企业为实现商品运输而支付的有关费用,是购销活动中经常发生的一种费用。增值税的纳税人在原材料购入、产品销售过程中都可能发生运费,有的需计算销项税额,有的可以计算抵扣进项税额,性质不同的
入冬以来,我省多地普降大雪,气温骤降,张家口、承德等地的气温下降到几十年来最低,面对艰苦的自然条件,河北务林人不畏艰辛,坚守岗位,与冰雪共舞。 Since the beginning of
目的报告婴幼儿动脉导管未闭(Patent arterial duct,PAD)胸膜外结扎的外科治疗。方法1996年6月至1998年11月,对16例6岁以下的 PAD患儿进行了胸膜外手术结扎。结果 全组无手术死亡,无术后肺部感染及导管再通。随访 1~29个月
摘要:随着西部大开发的深度发展和国际经济一体化,西部地区对适应会计国际化的复合型人才需求逐步增多,西部地区高校需要通过加强“国际会计”课程的教学方法、教学手段、教学模式、教材建设和课程考核方面的双语教学改革,培养更多具有高素质的国际化会计人才。  关键词:国际会计;双语教学;西部地区;教学改革  作者简介:程燕(1978-),女,安徽金寨人,重庆三峡学院经济与管理学院,讲师;杨蜜(1981-),女
一、问题的提出 轴流泵是一种结构简单的水泵,其构造示如图1。 它由一般角度可调的转动叶片“1”与固定导叶“2”所组成。当电动机带动轴“3”转动,并使叶片沿顺时针方向(仰