六省精英荟萃黄山 中部曲艺再谱新篇

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4月20日至22日,由中国曲艺家协会和安徽、河南、山西、江西、湖北、湖南六省曲艺家协会联合主办的第二届中部六省曲艺大赛在安徽省休宁县举行。来自六省的150多位曲艺演员云集美丽的黄山脚下,同台竞艺,展现出中部曲艺的深厚底蕴和独特风貌。在比赛的同时,中国曲协、中国艺术研究院曲艺研究所和六省曲协还共同举办了曲艺创作研讨会,以“生活与思想”为主题就当下曲艺创作问题进行了深入探讨。中部六省曲艺大赛设立之初,就旨在为促进中部曲艺的创新和发展提供一个互相交流、学习的平台。纵观本次活动,节目之新、研讨之深和交流之广都出乎意料之外,凸显出三大亮点。 From April 20 to April 22, the second Central Six Province Folk Art Competition, sponsored by the China Artists Association and Anhui Artists Association, Henan, Shanxi, Jiangxi, Hubei and Hunan Provinces, was held in Xiuning County, Anhui Province. More than 150 actors and actresses from six provinces gathered at the foot of the beautiful Huangshan Mountain and performed the same stage, demonstrating the profound heritage and unique style of the Central Folk Songs. At the same time of the competition, the Chinese Qu Xie Association, the Chinese Folk Art Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Arts, and the Music Association of the Six Provinces also co-sponsored a seminar on the creation of folk art and conducted an in-depth discussion on the current creation of folk art with the theme of “Life and Thought”. At the beginning of the establishment of the Sixth Central Shaanxi Province Folk Art Competition, the Central Plains Art Festival aims to provide a platform for exchange and learning for the promotion of the development and innovation of the folk art in the Central China. Throughout this event, the show's new, the depth of discussion and exchange are unexpected, highlighting three major bright spots.
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