
来源 :湖南党史月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asqbt
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“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。”人们常用屈原《离骚》中的这句词,来形容人生道路的漫长而曲折。从寻找具有中国特色的农村社会主义道路的进程来看,确是经历了一条漫长而曲折的道路。当五十年代中期实现全国农业合作化以后,人们以为在中国农村已建好一座通往社会主义的金桥了。可是,由于农村合作经济组织的经营体制没有得到合理解决,农民的生活并没有一 “The long way to go, I will search from top to bottom.” People often use Qu Yuan “Lisao” in the phrase, to describe the long and tortuous road to life. Judging from the process of finding a rural socialism with Chinese characteristics, it has indeed undergone a long and tortuous path. After the realization of the national agricultural cooperation in the mid-1950s, people thought that a golden bridge to socialism in rural China had been built. However, since the management system of rural cooperative economic organizations has not been properly solved, the peasants’ life does not have a
We performed a cross-sectional study aimed to address the quality of life (QoL) and putative associated variables in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patient
卒中的运动功能障碍@Christopher J.Godbout$From the Nash Regional PainCenter,Nash Health Care Systems@Jeffery S.Johns$Rehabilitation Consultation Services,Depart
(《湖南党史月刊))编辑部: 《湖南党史月刊》是一份在党史、现代史学界可读性很强的刊物,经常发表一些很有价值的独家文论,是我经常阅读的刊物之一。读一九八七年第九期月刊
Objective: To test pathophysiologic hypotheses regarding the occurrence of a splenial lesion in patients with epilepsy. Methods: The authors studied 16 patients
健康教育在血吸虫病护理中 ,是护士对住院患者的生理、心理、社会适应能力而进行的一种干预性活动 ,通过向患者传授所患疾病的有关医学、护理方面的知识与技能 ,引导患者养成
目的 观察中药合剂对肾综合征出血热病毒感染NIH系裸鼠的保护作用。方法 应用肾综合征出血热病毒腹腔接种法感染裸鼠 ,中药合剂组 (实验组 )灌注中药合剂 ,对照组除接种病
学生参与教学是新课程实施的核心,教师要在教学中做好设计,让学生主动参与到教学中来。本文着重讲述在教学中让学生参与教学中的几条途径。 Students participate in teachi