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欣闻《北京顺义蜂疗所》专辑第二辑即将出版,此乃中医蜂疗界的一件大事,更是北京顺义蜂疗所的一件大事!蜜蜂全身皆宝,蜂疗法更是被喻为祖国医学宝库中的一支奇葩!在普及和推广蜂疗的过程中,《北京顺义蜂疗所》第一辑起到了旗帜的作用,深受全国蜂学界的欢迎。第二辑的出版,必然 I heard “Beijing Shunyi bee care” album second series is about to be published, this is a major event bee bee industry in Beijing, Beijing Shunyi Bee bee is a major event! Bees are all treasure, bee therapy is a metaphor As a wonderful flower in the motherland’s medical treasure trove! In the course of popularizing and promoting bee-belivery, the first series of “Beijing Shunyi Bee-bee Hospital” played a role of a banner and was well received by the bee academics nationwide. The second edition of the publication, inevitable
译文厨师:你想让我把这块比萨切成6块还是8块?汤姆:6块。我想我吃不了8块。 Chef: Do you want me to slice this piece of pizza into 6 pieces or 8 pieces? Tom: 6 piece
本刊讯近年来,一直在 IT 行业规模化、集团化方面前进的北京万能软件公司,在振兴民族软件业的同时,也非 In recent years, our company has been in the IT industry scale
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1:G号稍慢深情地思念(9。.一)价独 唱仆 I f一、1 l 6 - 一 一 I O 6 3 6 5 4 3 0 啊 啊 啊n一.f厂、1一l芎一一(盟临一.。逊1啊 哦 哦.c6 _ - 一 1 6 7 7 在 那 记忆 在 那
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l=D詈中速深情地 罾(业fj. 童{3 l 5坐2一J业幽2她1 _ 一)5 6 II:1· 2 4 3 2 l 3 _ 一 3 5 I 6· 6 5 3 5 家是 我 们祖辈的 根, 家是我 们生命的 (家是)少 年离乡的 路, 家