
来源 :天津水产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cheng_oooo
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在举国上下热烈欢呼五届人大胜利闭幕和全国科学大会胜利召开的大好形势下,在市科协和市水产局党委亲切关怀下,天津市水产学会于三月十五日召开了恢复工作大会。参加会议的有市科协学会部的领导同志、市水产局领导同志、新老理事会成员、局所属各单位的领导同志和水产科技人员代表。会上一致通过了天津市水产学会会章 Under the great situation in which the whole nation warmly cheered the victory of the Fifth National People's Congress and the victory of the National Science Congress, the Tianjin Fisheries Society held a resumption work meeting on March 15 under the cordial care of the party committee of Municipal Science, Technology and Fisheries Bureau. The leaders of the Municipal Association for Science and Technology Association, the leading comrades of the Municipal Bureau of Fisheries and the members of the new and old councils, the leading comrades of all units affiliated to the Bureau and the representatives of aquatic scientific and technological personnel attended the meeting. The meeting unanimously adopted the Tianjin Fisheries Association chapter
The performance of concrete with a new admi xt ure MX was studied by using the freeze-thaw cycle, permeability and chemical at tack test. The experimental resul
考试时最怕碰到什么题?是难题,还是从未见过的新题?在对考场心态的“破坏力”上,两者的“段位”可谓不分伯仲.本工坊特推出“新鲜出炉”新题系列,拓展同学们的视野,让大家从此不再怕新题!    1.已知手表表盘的圆面半径为,12个刻度等间隔地分布在圆面上.记整点刻度i到整点刻度i+1的向量为(t12+1=t1),则++…+=.  2. 三位同学合作学习,对“已知不等式 xy≤ax2+2y2对于x∈[1,
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信息化不是ERP,不是CRM,不是任何局部的概念。 Informationization is not ERP, not CRM, not any local concept.
The Lingnan Lead and Zinc Group con-sists of Fankou Lead and Zinc Mine,andShaoguan Smelter.The Group will start operation on 16July this year with a total capi
2002年11月24日,大连市人民体育场,七连星的蓝色旗帜迎风招展——在本年度历经大起大落、大悲大喜的大连实德足球队第七次赢得甲A联赛的冠军。 而在此之前的10月25日,和甲A