Syntheses and Crystal Structures of Two Silver(I) Complexes Isolated by the Reaction of [Ag(PPh_3)_2

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Two silver(I) complexes were obtained by the reaction of a N6 ligand with [Ag(PPh3)2(MeCN)](SbF6). In complex [AgL1(PPh3)](SbF6) 1, the silver center is bound to three N donors of the nitrogen ligand and P donor of one triphenylphosphine group, forming an irregular AgN3P tetrahedron. In complex [Ag(PPh3)4](SbF6) 2, the Ag+ ion is coordinated to four triphenyl- phosphine groups, affording a tetrahedral geometry. Crystal data for complex 1: C30H37AgF6N6PSb, Mr = 856.25, orthorhombic, space group Pbca, a = 19.0702(9), b = 15.9047(7), c = 21.498(1) ?, V = 6520.5(6) ?3, Z = 8, Dc= 1.744 g/cm3, F(000) = 3408, μ = 1.544 mm-1, the final R = 0.0367 and wR = 0.1077 for 5325 observed reflections with I > 2σ(I); and those for 2: C72H60AgF6P4Sb, Mr = 1392.70, trigonal, space group R3, a = 14.4577(6), b = 14.4577(6), c = 51.544(2) ?, V = 9330.5(7) ?3, Z = 6, Dc= 1.487 g/cm3, F(000) = 4224, μ = 0.913 mm-1, the final R = 0.0352 and wR = 0.1089 for 3498 observed reflections with I > 2σ(I). Two complexes of silver (I) complexes were obtained by the reaction of a N6 ligand with [Ag (PPh3) 2 (MeCN)] (SbF6). In complex [AgL1 (PPh3)] In complex [Ag (PPh3) 4] (SbF6) 2, the Ag + ion is coordinated to four triphenyl-phosphine groups, affording a tetrahedral geometry (9), b = 15.9047 (7), c = 21.498 (1) ?, V = 6520.5 (6)? 3, The final R = 0.0367 and wR = 0.1077 for 5325 were reflections with I> 2σ (I); and those for 2 (Z = 8, Dc = 1.744 g / cm3, F (000) = 3408, μ = 1.544 mm- : C72H60AgF6P4Sb, Mr = 1392.70, trigonal, space group R3, a = 14.4577 6, b = 14.4577 6, c = 51.544 2, V = 9330.5 7, Z = 6, Dc = 1.487 g / cm3, F (000) = 4224, μ = 0.913 mm-1, the final R = 0.0352 and wR = 0.1089 for 3498 observed reflections with I> 2σ (I) .
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