Effects of annealing temperature on the microstructure and properties of the 25Mn-3Si-3Al TWIP steel

来源 :International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tkoks
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Microstructures and mechanical properties of the 25Mn twinning induced plasticity (TWIP) steel at different annealing temperatures were investigated. The results indicated that when the annealing temperature was 1000°C,the 25Mn steel showed ex-cellent comprehensive mechanical properties,the tensile strength was about 640 MPa,the yield strength was higher than 255 MPa,and the elongation was above 82%. The microstructure was analyzed by optical microscopy (OM),X-ray diffraction (XRD),and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Before deformation the microstructure was composed of austenitic matrix and annealing twins at room temperature; at the same time,a significant amount of annealing twins and stacking faults were observed by TEM. Mechanical twins played a dominant role in deformation and as a result the mechanical properties were found to be excellent. The results indicated that when the annealing temperature was 1000 ° C, the 25Mn steel showed ex-cellent comprehensive mechanical properties, the tensile strength was about 640 MPa, the yield strength was higher than 255 MPa, and the elongation was above 82%. The microstructure was analyzed by optical microscopy (OM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) microstructure was composed of austenitic matrix and annealing twins at room temperature; at the same time, a significant amount of annealing twins and stacking faults were observed by TEM. Mechanical twins played a dominant role in deformation and as a result the mechanical properties were found to be excellent.
在笔者从事报纸广告工作18年的生涯中,曾两次踏上美国国土。第一次是随中国广告代表团赴墨西哥参加世界 IAA 广告大会,途经美国匆匆而过,对美国的广告业只是走马观花。第二
11月15日,这一天的头条必定属于奥巴马,属于中国。  其实,自从奥巴马年内访华的消,自,从伦敦胡奥会传出后,关于为奥巴马访华热场的各种消息不绝于耳:4月,胡奥在伦敦G20峰会上实现第一次会谈,明确将中美关系定位为“积极,合作、全面”的关系;7月,中美首轮战略与经济对话在华盛顿举行,谈了“除了上月球以外的问题”;9月,胡奥在美国匹兹堡实现第二次会面,消弭了中美贸易保护战即将烽烟四起的猜测;10月,