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6月26日,教育部高校哲学社会科学学报第三批名栏建设签约仪式和名栏建设座谈会在京举行。本刊“学科建设”栏目入选第三批名栏建设工程。签约仪式由教育部社科司出版管理处处长田敬诚主持,教育部社科司司长张东刚,全国25家入选第三批名栏建设工程的高校主管校领导、学报主编出席签约仪式。本刊主编陈曦与社科司司长张东刚签订了《教育部高校哲学社会科学名栏建设协议书》。高校哲学社会科学学报名栏建设工程是教育部于2004年启动的一项旨在提高我国高校哲学社会科 On June 26, the signing ceremony and the forum for building the third batch of famous columns of the Ministry of Education’s philosophy and social sciences in colleges and universities were held in Beijing. The publication “disciplines ” column selected third batch of name column construction project. The signing ceremony was presided over by Tian Jingcheng, director of the Publishing and Management Division of the Social Science Division of the Ministry of Education. Zhang Donggang, director of the Social Science Department of the Ministry of Education, attended the signing ceremony of 25 chief university leaders and journal editors of the third batch of famous column construction projects nationwide. Our editor in chief Chen Xi and director of social sciences and the Department of Zhang Donggang signed the “Ministry of Education philosophy and social sciences column construction agreement.” College philosophical and social sciences column construction project is the Ministry of Education in 2004 launched a project aimed to improve our country’s philosophy and social sciences
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