Immune Responses to Six Synthetic Peptides of Capsid Protein with Sera from HIV-1 Infected Individua

来源 :Cellular & Molecular Immunology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zgjcq
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Many B cell epitopes within p24 of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) were identified,while most ofthem were determined by using murine monoclonal antibodies reacting with overlapping peptides of p24.Therefore these epitopes may not represent the actual epitopes recognized by the HIV-1 infected individuals.In thepresent study,immune responses of 67 HIV-1 positive sera from Yunnan Province,China to five peptides on p24 ofHIV-1 and one of HIV-2 were analyzed.All of 67 sera did not recognize peptide GA-12 on HIV-1 and peptideAG-23 on HIV-2,which indicated that GA-12 was not human B cell epitope and AG-23 did not cross-react withHIV-1 positive serum.Except 13 sera (19.4%),all remaining sera did not recognize peptides NI-15,DR-16,DC-22and PS-18,which indicated that these four peptides represented B cell linear epitopes of HIV-1 p24 in some HIV-1infected individuals but not the immuno-dominant epitopes in most individuals.Cellular & Molecular Immunology.2005;2(4):289-293. Many B cell epitopes within p24 of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) were identified, while most of the said were used by murine monoclonal antibodies reacting with overlapping peptides of p24. Herefore these epitopes may not represent the actual epitopes recognized by the HIV -1 infected individuals. In the present study, immune responses of 67 HIV-1 positive sera from Yunnan Province, China to five peptides on p24 of HIV-1 and one of HIV-2 were analyzed. All of 67 sera did not recognize peptide GA- 12 on HIV-1 and peptideAG-23 on HIV-2, which indicates that GA-12 was not human B cell epitope and AG-23 did not cross-react with HIV-1 positive serum. Except 13 sera (19.4% remaining sera did not recognize peptides NI-15, DR-16, DC-22 and PS-18, which indicated that these four peptides represented B cell linear epitopes of HIV-1 p24 in some HIV-1 infected individuals but not the immuno-dominant epitopes in most individuals. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 2005; 2 (4): 289-293.
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