Nonlocal Andreev reflection with Rashba spin-orbital interaction in a triple-quantum-dot ring

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:c_zhang08
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We theoretically studied the nonlocal Andreev reflection with Rashba spin-orbital interaction in a triple-quantumdot(QD) ring,which is introduced as Rashba spin-orbital interaction to act locally on one component quantum dot.It is found that the electronic current and spin current are sensitive to the systematic parameters.The interdot spin-flip term does not play a leading role in causing electronic and spin currents.Otherwise the spin precessing term leads to shift of the peaks of the the spin-up and spin-down electronic currents in different directions and results in the spin current.Moreover,the spin-orbital interaction suppresses the nonlocal Andreev reflection,so we cannot obtain the pure spin current. We theoretically studied the nonlocal Andreev reflection with Rashba spin-orbital interaction in a triple-quantum dot (QD) ring, which is introduced as Rashba spin-orbital interaction to act locally on one component quantum dot. It is found that the electronic current and spin current are sensitive to the interrogation of the systematic parameters. the interdot spin-flip term does not play a leading role in causing electronic and spin currents. Otherwise the spin precessing term leads to shift of the peaks of the spin-up and spin-down electronic currents in different directions and results in the spin current. More over, the spin-orbital interaction suppresses the nonlocal Andreev reflection, so we can not obtain the pure spin current.
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