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青海地处世界屋脊的青藏高原北坡,平均海拔3000米以上,矿产资源丰富,已发现的有83种,已探明储量的为59种,储量居我国前十位的有37种,其中居首位的有锂、钾盐、池盐、镁盐、溴、化工灰岩、云石、石棉等8种;居第二位的有自然硫、硼、压电水晶、玻璃用石英岩4种;第三位的有钴、、锢、硒、天然碱、6种。其它具有开采价值的还有银、镉、芒硝、云母、铬铁矿、铅、锡、汞、金、锗、锌、镍等数十种。特别是有一批青海得天独厚的资源,规模大、品位高、质量好。如氯化钾储量占我国总储量的96.8%, Qinghai is located on the northern slope of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau on the roof of the world, with an average elevation of 3,000 meters or more. It is rich in mineral resources. There have been 83 types of discovered reserves and 59 proven reserves. There are 37 species in the top ten reserves in China, among which are The first one is lithium, potassium salt, pool salt, magnesium salt, bromine, chemical limestone, marble, and asbestos; the second is natural sulfur, boron, piezoelectric crystal, and glass quartzite. The third place is cobalt, cesium, selenium, trona, and 6 species. Other mining values ​​include dozens of silver, cadmium, mirabilite, mica, chromite, lead, tin, mercury, gold, antimony, zinc and nickel. In particular, there is a group of Qinghai unique resources, large scale, high quality and good quality. For example, potassium chloride reserves account for 96.8% of China’s total reserves.
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