Application of leather material in book binding design

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  Abstract: Book binding is an integral part of today's book design. This paper takes the leather material as an example,analyzes the characteristics of the leather material itself, and the application and development of the leather material in the book, and locates the application ofThe leather material in the book binding. The theme is to connect the leather with the theme, to make a reasonable design, to express the leather material in the book design, the combination of leather and "Record of Exotic Animals in Shanhaijing", showing different visual effects,increasing the attraction of books to people. To make the book and design better combined, so that the book becomes a more complete "artwork" with artistic aesthetic value.
  Keywords: leather; book binding
  1. The status quo and development of book binding
  (1) The process of book formation and development
  Early humans searched for carriers that could transmit information. They made bamboo slips in the late Western Zhou Dynasty, engraved a line of text on the bamboo sheets, rolled them up and stored them in a bag made of silk, and sewed two upper and lower ropes. Widely spread, it can be rolled up for easy carrying. Later, the wooden slip was also used as a material in the reel. In the Western Han Dynasty, papermaking was invented, and the use of paper replaced the book.
  When the paper was introduced into the West, the ease of carrying and lightness of the paper made it popular in large numbers, and the paper bonding material quickly replaced the stone.
  (2) The development status of book binding
  The ancient Chinese formal books have been 3,000 years old since their birth. The earliest formal book is the succinct book (small book), which appeared in the late Yin Shang period. After that, it passed the script, the scroll book, the whirlwind book, the Vatican book, the folded book, the butterfly book, and the back. Book, wire-bound book [1]. The development and formation of books all reflect the reading needs of people under different social backgrounds and different economic, political and cultural developments; nowadays people's living standards are gradually improved, and books only retain reading functions and cannot satisfy them. Under the background of contemporary society, people's demand for reading and social development have promoted the formation of book binding.
  2, "Record of Exotic Animals in Shanhaijing" book binding design ideas and performance   These strange strange animals give people unlimited imagination. These beasts, recorded in the "Shanhaijing", are both ancient and mysterious. Although they are drawn in the book, they have already been introduced into the mind and imagination. Many people in ancient and modern China and abroad have painted many versions of the "Mountains of the Sea",different versions of the beasts add mystery.
  The leather material also gives an old, old-fashioned feeling. The use of leather increases people's curiosity about the unknown, and the leather material gives a heavy feeling. The leather material is applied to the Shanhaijing. Among the themes, not only visually and tactilely give different impacts, but the use of leather materials also fully conveys the spread of the book content. The use of leather materials is tantamount to adding a touch of attraction to the "Record of Exotic Animals in Shanhaijing".
  (1 )Design ideas and performance
  Materials serve as a vehicle for the presentation of information and content in a book and play an extremely important role. Different materials are displayed through vision, meaning and different forms, which makes book binding increase the added value of books, making books more complete and more attractive to readers.
  Shanhaijing is an ancient miscellaneous book. The overall style is retro. The beast records are drawn several times. It has a long history and culture. The use of leather material can reflect the thick sense of this traditional culture. The color is chosen to be light wood brown. People have an old, ancient feeling; secondly decorated with red petals, white clouds give people an ancient mystery, and the line drawing of the beasts is similar.
  The material itself has natural and beautiful characteristics, coupled with the designer's correct aesthetic concept and imagination, on the basis of certain design innovation, can improve the aesthetics of the design; after the framed processing books will be more readers Favor . Readers feel the beauty of books through their senses, making reading a more interesting thing. A good binding design can attract readers to open books, increase reading desire and impulsiveness, even boring academic books will give people the power to read.
  Book binding design allows people to enjoy reading or become a work of art that people can enjoy. Under the influence of the reading trend, the book binding design will become more and more diversified, making the book binding design more and more abundant and perfect; the book binding design makes reading more and more of an era.
  [1]Yang Zhenzi. The connotation relationship between material application and book content in book binding design [J]. Brand, 2014 (11): 135.
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