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北宋年间,大水为患,民不聊生,有一富商姜氏为保护家园,出钱出力,率领民众,筑堰抗洪,姜堰因此而得名。 姜堰地处江淮水系交汇处,328国道横贯全境,公路以南为通南高沙土地区,公路以北为里下河水网圩区。这里气候温和,雨量充沛,素有苏中“鱼米之乡”之称。然而,由于地理位置的特殊,历史上姜堰区域水旱灾害就很频繁。近50年来,灾害仍时有发生,每隔两年就有一次。通南地区因没有独立的引水口 During the Northern Song Dynasty, floods are troublesome, people are not born, there is a wealthy businessman Jiang for the protection of their homes, money, led the people, weir flood resistance, hence the name of Jiangyan. Jiangyan is located at the intersection of Jianghuai and Huaihe Rivers and 328 State Road runs through the whole territory. To the south of the highway is the high-sandy soil area of ​​Tongnan and north of the highway is the polder area of ​​the Lixia River. Here a mild climate, abundant rainfall, known as the Soviet Union, “Yumizhixiang,” said. However, due to its special geographical location, floods and droughts in the Jiangyan area have historically been frequent. In the past 50 years, disasters have occurred from time to time, once in two years. Tongnan area because there is no independent diversion
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