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一、民主建政工作本署於一九四九年九月奉人民解放軍滇桂黔邊區縱隊政治部命令,於十月一日正式在剑川組织成立滇西北人民行政專员公署。當時全區在滇桂黔边區縱隊领导下,對國民黨反動統治,已經進行了半年以上的武装鬥爭,先后獲得全部解放的中剑川、鹤慶、丽江,洱源、蘭坪、維西、福貢、碧江、贡川等九個縣,獲得局部或大部解放的有漾濞、雲龍、中甸、鄧川、賓川、永勝等五個县,這些解放了的地區,反動政權已被摧毀,為了便於支援革命鬥爭,最初是建立了县區的過渡政权機構——人民政务委員會,政委會主委及委員出各階層各人民團體協商推選,再由人民自衛軍政治部批准。实行了減租,初步改善了人民生活。和專署成立同時,各县人民政务委员會也改組為縣人民政府,正副縣長由專署委派,縣以下的區村政權,也统一編制,區村政權主席,群众基礎較好的地方,由區民代表會議与村民大會選举。再經上級批准。一般的划由上級委派。各項政务,係根据專署制定的施政纲领和一些適感地方具 I. Democratic and Political Work In September 1949, the Department formally ordered the Political Department of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, the Yunnan, Guangxi, and Guizhou Border Collars to formally organize the Administrative Commission of Northwest Yunnan Province on October 1 in Jianchuan. At that time, under the leadership of the columns of the Yunnan, Guangxi and Guizhou Border Areas, the entire region had conducted armed struggles over more than half a year against the reactionary rule of the Kuomintang. It has won all the liberating warriors in Central Jianchuan, Heqing, Lijiang, Eryuan, Lanping, Weixi, Fugong, Bijiang, Gongchuan nine counties, access to the partial or most of the liberation of the Yangbi, Yunlong, Zhongdian, Dengchuan, Binchuan, Yongsheng other five counties, these liberated areas, the reactionary regime has Was destroyed, in order to facilitate the support of the revolutionary struggle, initially established the transitional government agencies in the county area - the people’s Political Consultative Committee, the chairman of the political commissar and members of all walks of life among the people’s groups to consult, and then approved by the People’s Self-Defense Forces Political Department. An rent reduction has been implemented, which has initially improved people’s livelihood. At the same time as the establishment of the agency, the people’s government commissions in each county are also reorganized into county people’s governments. The deputy magistrates and deputy magistrates are appointed by the agency of the agency. The regimes of the districts and towns below the county level are also unified. The chairmen of the district governments and the masses have better foundation. People’s congress and villager assembly election. Approved by the higher authorities. General plan assigned by the higher authorities. All government affairs are based on the administrative agenda set by the agency and some appropriate places
引言 2000年5月上海市水务局组建后,在行政体制上实现了原水利、供水、排水行业的职能归并,提出了“安全、资源、环境”三位一体协调发展的指导思想。水是资源和财富,是生机
大哥是中缅合资企业里的白领,在西双版纳最荒凉的勐海布朗山,他掌握着缅甸锰矿发往中国的验货权。 今年3月的一天,他告诉我:“小弟,给你办了个临时出境手续,去缅甸玩玩,领略