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现代社会,发展日益加速,竞争日趋激烈,压力亦随之而来。如何才能领先—步,超过对手,获得成功?为什么别人能弪而易举地取得成功,已经“柳暗花明又一村”了,而自己却还是“山重水复疑无路”呢?原因何在?读完《无处不在的80/20》一书之后,你就会明白:“一分耕耘,一分收获”被许多人奉为圭臬。然而恰恰正是这些根深蒂固的观念,成了发展的桎梏,危害了我们的事业和生活,使我们不能迅速地达到成功的目标。改变这些行为方式和思维方法吧,我们真的能够找到以一当十、事半功倍的捷径以达到成功!早在一个世纪前,意大利经济学家和社会学家帕累托发现了80/20法则,并且对它有一个精彩的描述:“在因和果、努力和收获之间,普遍存在着不平衡关系。即在投入与产出、努力与收获、原因和结果之间,普遍存在着不平衡关系。少的投入,可以得到多的产出;小的努力,可以获得大的 In modern society, the development is accelerating, the competition is getting fiercer and the pressure comes with it. How can we lead - step beyond the opponent, to achieve success? Why others can easily succeed, has been ”a golden one“, but they are still ”mountain heavy water doubtless“? Why? After reading The Ubiquitous 80/20, you will understand: ”One-Min-Work, One-Minute Harvest“ is regarded by many as a merit. However, it is precisely these deeply rooted concepts that have become the shackles of development that endanger our cause and our life so that we can not achieve our goal of success quickly. To change these ways and ways of thinking, we can really find success as a shortcut that reduces the number of things to a single goal! A century ago, the Italian economist and sociologist Pareto discovered the 80/20 rule, There is a wonderful description: ”There is a widespread imbalance between effects, efforts and gains, that is, there is a widespread imbalance between inputs and outputs, efforts and gains, causes and consequences. Little input, you can get more output; a small effort, you can get big
【摘要】写话,是学生综合语言运用能力的最好体现之一,常常被运用在英语阅读课堂的教学环节中,也常常被安排在各种检测练习的最后环节。教师应该让学生的目光和笔尖融合在真实的生活里,引导学生写出具有生活气息,具有情感体验,具有意义的语句。  【关键词】英语 乐写 趣味  义务教育阶段英语课程的总目标是:“通过英语学习使学生形成初步的综合语言运用能力。”写话,是学生综合语言运用能力的最好体现之一,常常被运用
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