
来源 :临床耳鼻咽喉科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:db0928
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光导纤维喉镜对于间接喉镜下难于完成的喉部极小良性病变的摘除和有关检查,无不具有独特的优越性.但其对于喉部较大肿块的摘除常常显得无能为力.如果对之贸然手术就有引起突发窒息的危险.我们曾对4例喉部巨大肿块,于纤维喉镜下手术摘除,因术中患者突发窒息,呼吸困难,情况十分危险,后均改行其他方法治愈.现总结其教训,报告如下.1 病例报告例1 男,42岁.因持续性声嘶3年于1991年2月来我科就诊.间接喉镜下见右声带近前联合处有一1.5cm×1.0cm×O.8cm大小、有短蒂之息肉样物.以1%地卡因喉部喷雾数次,患者无不适,平卧后经右鼻腔插入纤维喉镜渐达喉入口,插入21mm息肉钳,对准肿块蒂部钳咬数次.这时.患者突然呛咳一下.整个肿块一下吸到声门下.患者十分难受,突然拔掉纤维喉镜,挣扎起身,继而出现窒息表现, Optical fiber laryngoscope for the laryngeal difficult to complete under the laryngeal minimal benign lesions removal and related examination, all with unique advantages, but its removal of larger laryngeal often can not help .If the rash surgery We have the risk of sudden suffocation.We have 4 cases of laryngeal huge lumps, under fiber laryngoscope surgery removed due to intraoperative sudden asphyxia, breathing difficulties, the situation is very dangerous, after the switch to other methods of cure. Summarize the lessons learned, the report is as follows .1 cases reported in Example 1 male, 42 years old due to persistent hoarseness 3 years in our hospital in February 1991. Indirect laryngoscopy see the right vocal cord near the joint at a 1.5cm × 1.0cm × O. 8cm in size, a short pedicle of polyp samples to 1% of the number of cocaine laryngeal spray several times, the patient without discomfort, supine after the right nasal cavity inserted into the laryngoscope gradually laryngeal laryngeal entrance, insert 21mm polyp forceps, At this moment, the patient suddenly coughed, and the entire mass was absorbed under the glottis. The patient was very uncomfortable, suddenly pulled out the fiber laryngoscope, struggled to get up, and then appeared asphyxiation,
眼科显微手术使眼科治疗取得了突破性进展,手术成功与否同各种手术用材的无菌控制关系极大。本文总结我院眼科手术中显微手术用材的种类,消毒方法和灭菌控制的体会。 手术用
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A new and general synthesis of a porphyrinK(Ⅰ) with two alkoxyl linkages is described. The synthesis involves the reaction of dibromopropane with phenolic porp
本文提出(225)马氏体的惯习面为旋转了的(112)γ面,并研究了相变位错,确定了相变位错的Burgers矢量。由计算的相变应力所预言的亚结构,与实验符合的很好。 In this paper, we propose that the (
记者随湖北省咸宁市咸安区委组织部及咸安区民政局的负责人,一同来到高桥镇的“特困村”——石溪村,拜望老英雄刘祚坤。在老人的院坝上,我们见到了他。他穿着打了补丁的灰旧衣服,脚上蹬着抗美援朝时穿的大军鞋。    一、惜别爱妻娇儿,踏上朝鲜战场    1927年,刘祚坤出生在鄂南咸宁石溪村的一个贫苦农民家庭。童年时,父母相继死于战乱,5岁的他成了孤儿,同村的乡亲们将他拉扯长大。  刘祚坤干活卖力,手脚伶俐