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“八五”期间绥化地区的档案事业,在广大档案工作者的积极努力下,完成了主要工作任务和目标,为“九五”期间的发展奠定了坚实基础。———依法治档的新秩序已经初步形成。全区各级档案部门以宣传《档案法》为重点,广泛开展了档案知识普及活动,提高了全社会的档案意识,改善了档案执法的社会环境。“八五”期间全区制定地方性档案工作规范性文件22份,其中行署、市县政府颁布的3份,使档案法规体系趋于完善;开展全区性档案执法检查2次,查处违法案件6起,还邀请人大、政协领导同志视察档案执法工作5次,从而推动了《档案法》的探入实施。——档案事业宏观管理得到切实加强。地、市县档案事业“八五”计划都分别列入了各地的国民经济和社会发展规划之中,通过综合运用法律、行政、教育、经济 During the 8th Five-Year Plan, the archives in Suihua Prefecture completed the main tasks and targets under the active efforts of archivists, laying a solid foundation for the development during the period of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. --- According to the law governing the file of the new order has been initially formed. Archives departments at all levels throughout the region to promote the “Archives Law” as the focus, extensive popularization of archives knowledge, raising the awareness of the entire file archives, archives to improve the social environment for law enforcement. During the period of “85”, the district made 22 copies of the normative documents of local archives work, among which 3 copies were issued by the administrative agency and city and county governments to make the archives regulatory system more consummate; Six cases of illegal cases, but also invited the NPC and CPPCC leadership comrades visited the file five times the law enforcement work, thus promoting the “Archives Law” into the implementation. - Macroeconomic management of archives has been effectively strengthened. The archives and cities, prefectures and counties’ “85” plans were all included in the plans for national economy and social development in various places. Through comprehensive utilization of laws, administration, education and economy
4月6日上午,县档案局5位干部组成的乡下档案工作服务队,带着日常生活用品扛着档案装具,搭车到乡镇,深入农村走向基层,帮助指导档案工作使其规范化。 农村档案工作一直是档案
《红色康乃馨》是一部情节曲折,悬念迭起,切入重大的司法现实题 材,反映律师辩护风采的长篇小说。作为法制文学中不可多得的一部佳作,其步步推 进的描写,引人入胜,不忍释卷。
清晨,走出合肥火车站,映入眼帘的就是地上一片白茫茫的大雪和天上漫天恣情飞舞的雪花,我马上忘记了刚从武汉归来的劳顿和剧烈不止的咳嗽,兴奋起来。 已经等了两个多小时,前