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才上到二楼,楼上就传来无比熟悉的声音:伢子呃,回来了!我连忙答应:哎,妈……抬头从楼道间看见妈靠在四楼门边,微微地笑望着我。进了门,妈就打开话匣子:听到院子里有人来,估计就是你,仔细听上楼噔噔噔急促的脚步声,更加认定是你了!老爸倒了一杯茶,老妈在厨房里一阵忙碌,一大碗热气腾腾的茶食就上桌了:两个荷包蛋,四颗桂园,八粒红枣,汤里还 Only on the second floor, upstairs came a very familiar voice: clapper uh, back! I quickly agreed: hey, mom ... ... looked up from the corridor to see the mother by the fourth floor door, smiled slightly I. Into the door, mom to open the chatterbox: I heard someone in the yard, it is estimated that you carefully listen to the floor 噔 噔 噔 rapid footsteps, more identified as you! Dad poured a cup of tea, the mother in the kitchen While busy, a bowl of steaming tea on the table: two poached eggs, four Gui Yuan, eight dates, soup also
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一、建筑节能设计的重要意义1、建筑节能是经济发展的需要能源是人类生存与发展的重要基础,经济的发展依赖于能源的发展。当今能源问题已经成为全世界共同关注 First, the s
夏日里,我因考察文史工作,有幸来到心仪已久的雪域高原明珠——丽江古城。   丽江古城坐落于云南西北部玉龙雪山脚下美丽的金沙江畔,有近千年的历史。史载,古城始建于宋末元初,忽必烈南征大理时驻军于此。自此,几经沧桑,薪火相传,而至成为政治、经济、文化中心。丽江古城以它独具民族特色的建筑风格和浓郁的文化气息吸引着来自海内外的万千游客。  入夜的古城,游人熙来攘往,随人流漫步于千年古道,把身心融于古城的夜
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