Progress in the study of molecular organized assemblies by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gzzmh12345
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Because dielectric spectroscopy covers a great many problems in physical and chemical systems occurring in an extremely wide frequency range, the study of this method plays an important role in physical chemistry. As an effective tool to detect inner properties of substance systems, the dielectric spectroscopy method is widely used in chemical systems and has been dramatically developed in recent decade. This review paper describes the applications of the dielectric spectroscopy in the chemical field, and main concentrations are focused on the micelle, microemulsion and other so-called molecular organized assemblies. Some dielectric principles and models proposed for these systems are introduced. In addition, recent technical developments in dielectric spectroscopy and developing trend of this method in other chemical systems are reviewed. Because dielectric spectroscopy covers a great many frequency in physical and chemical systems occurring in an extremely wide frequency range, the study of this method plays an important role in physical chemistry. As an effective tool to detect inner properties of substance systems, the dielectric spectroscopy method is widely used in chemical systems and has been dramatically developed in recent decade. This review paper describes the applications of the dielectric spectroscopy in the chemical field, and main concentrations are focused on the micelle, microemulsion and other so-called molecular organized assemblies. Some dielectric principles and models proposed for these systems are introduced. In addition, recent technical developments in dielectric spectroscopy and developing trend of this method in other chemical systems are reviewed.
Two oxetane-derived monomers, 3-(2-cyano-ethoxy)methyl- and 3-(methoxy-(triethylenoxy))methyl-3’-methyloxetane (COX and MTOX), were prepared from 3-hydroxymeth
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