Analysis on Dynamic Heterosis for Allelopathy in Rice Under Different Environment Conditions

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qtjqty
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In this study, 5 parental rice varieties with different allelopathic potentials were employed in diallel cross [P(P+1)/2] to get a set of genetic materials including parental lines and two generations of F1s. The dynamic heterosis for allelopathy in rice under different environmental conditions, was analyzed by using additive-dominant developmental genetic model. The results indicated that heterosis in both F1 and F2 showed inhibitory effects on shoot and root length of receiver plant(Lactuca sativa L.). Heterosis over mid-parent based on population mean(HMP)in F2 was lower than that in differental environmental conditions, showing 1/2 HMP in F1 The heterosis in rice allelopathy was much higher under the field environmental conditions with lower temperature and weaker sunlight than that under favorable environment, implying that the allel-opthic potential could be increased by stress environment. This finding interpreted the genetic reason that plant could produce more allelochemicals under unfavorable In this study, 5 parental rice varieties with different allelopathic potentials were employed in diallel cross [P (P + 1) / 2] to get a set of genetic materials including parental lines and two generations of F1s. The dynamic heterosis for allelopathy in rice under different environmental conditions, was analyzed by using additive-dominant developmental genetic model. The results indicated that heterosis in both F1 and F2 showed inhibitory effects on shoot and root length of receiver plant (Lactuca sativa L.). Heterosis over mid-parent based on population mean (HMP) in F2 was lower than that in differental environmental conditions, showing 1/2 HMP in F1 The heterosis in rice allelopathy was much higher under the field environmental conditions with lower temperature and weaker sunlight than that under favorable environment, implying that the allel-opthic potential could be increased by stress environment. This finding interpreted the genetic reason that plant could produce more allelochemicals under unfavorable
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