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我厂过去对冶炼鋼铁所得的炉渣中二氧化硅的測定,一直采用重量法,此法虽較准确,但由于需要較长时間,不能滿足生产的需要,因此,我們企图采用光电比色法来代替重量法。根据一般资料的介紹,必須預先将炉渣以熔剂熔融,再以酸分解,才能进行比色。我們认为这样做虽然縮短了分析时間,但分析一个試样,还需要2~3个小时,主要是熔融时間太长。因此,如果省掉熔融这一个步骤,就可大大縮短分析时間。根据一般文献所載,碱性炉渣可溶于酸,因此,我們进行了大胆的尝試,用酸来直接分解炉渣。由于硝酸和盐酸易使硅酸凝聚,所以我們采用了硫、硝混合酸,获得了滿意的結果。此法经我們数次試驗,证明不亚于重量法,分析手續簡易,时間又短,每次分析試样約 Our factory in the past on the smelting of steel slag obtained in the determination of silica, has been using the gravimetric method, although this method is more accurate, but due to the need for a long time, can not meet the production needs, therefore, we attempted to use photoelectric colorimetry Instead of gravimetric method. According to the introduction of the general information, the slag must be melted in advance with a flux and then decomposed with acid before colorimetric can be carried out. Although we think this will shorten the analysis time, it takes 2 ~ 3 hours to analyze one sample, mainly because the melting time is too long. Therefore, if you omit the melting step, you can greatly reduce the analysis time. According to the general literature, alkaline slag is soluble in acid, so we made a bold attempt to break down the slag directly with acid. Since nitric acid and hydrochloric acid tend to cause the agglomeration of silicic acid, we used sulfur and nitrate mixed acids to obtain satisfactory results. This method by our several tests proved that no less than the weight method, analysis procedures simple, time is short, each analysis of the sample about
由于受父亲的高超厨艺熏陶,陈一冰说他对吃很有研究,也对做饭很有兴趣。但在体操队,每天都是单调的吃食堂生活,他空有一腔“热情”无处施展。  2006年世锦赛出征前机会来了,体操男队去天津调整放松,陈一冰捡到一次意外的实践机会。当时,队员们憋足劲去钓鱼,结果憋气之下的这帮人先拿鱼“出气”。他们一鼓作气钓上了好多条,回去的路上,黄玉斌教练宣布晚饭一人做一条鱼。  做鱼没让陈一冰犯难,不过杀鱼的过程却让他
Much has been published on the characteristics of type 2 diabetes mellitus and its association with the epidemic of obesity.But relatively little is known about
随着企业集团化发展战略的提出 ,各类企业集团如雨后春笋般发展起来 ,许多企业集团拥有全资、控股企业几十家甚至上百家 ,涉及各类行业和经济类型 ,发挥了企业集团的资源优势
 有关借款费用的会计处理,在国际上通常有两种做法: 一是“借款费用费用化”,即于发生时直接确认为当期费用, 二是“借款费用资本化”即将借款费用作为购置某项资产 的部分历史