抓紧抓好批林批孔 搞好“三结合”现场设计

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今年11月1日,是伟大领袖毛主席号召开展群众性的设计革命运动的10周年。10年来,我们勘察设计战线上的广大职工,热烈响应毛主席的伟大号召,在无产阶级文化大革命和批林整风、批林批孔运动推动下,以党的基本路线为纲,狠抓设计领域里的阶级斗争和路线斗争,批判封、资、修的设计思想,努力改造世界观,广泛实行“三结合”现场设计,工人阶级登上了设计舞台,改革设计体制和不合理的规章制度;积极采用和发展先进技术,设计水平不断提高,设计队伍的精神面貌发生了深刻的变化,设计革命取得了丰硕的成果。 设计领域里一直存在着两个阶级和两条路线的斗争,有时斗争还是十分尖锐、复杂的。我们一定要在批林批孔运动中,狠批林彪效法孔老二“克己复礼”,妄图复辟资本主义的罪行,批判反动没落阶级的意识形态孔孟之道,批判否定无产阶级文化大革命和社会主义新生事物的反动思潮,联系设计领域里阶级斗争和路线斗争实际,揭发批判修正主义路线在设计领域里的表现,坚持革命,反对复辟;坚持前进,反对倒退;不断提高阶级斗争和路线斗争的觉悟,深入开展设计革命,努力做好设计工作,以“抓革命、促生产”的优异成绩,迎接设计革命10周年。遵照毛主席“要认真总结经验”的教导,各勘察设计单位正在发动群众,总结设计革命的经验和体会。我们 On November 1 this year, it was the 10th anniversary of the great leader Mao Zedong’s holding a mass design revolutionary movement. In the past 10 years, we surveyed the broad masses of employees on the design front and warmly responded to Chairman Mao’s great call. With the promotion of the proletarian cultural revolution and the approval of forestry, the approval of the Lin Piao and Confucius Movement, the Party’s basic line was the key to the design field. In the class struggle and line struggle, criticized the design ideas of seal, capital, and repair, worked hard to transform the world outlook, extensively implemented the “three-in-one” field design, the working class climbed onto the design stage, reformed the design system, and unreasonable rules and regulations; With the adoption and development of advanced technologies, the design level has been continuously improved, the mental outlook of the design team has undergone profound changes, and the design revolution has achieved fruitful results. There have been two classes and two lines of struggle in the design field. Sometimes the struggle is still very sharp and complicated. We must, in the Lin Piao and Confucius Movement, arbitrarily endorse Lin Biao to follow the example of Confucius’s “self-denial and recidivism” and seek to restore capitalist crimes, criticize the ideology of the reactionary and degrading class and confucius and mencius, and criticize the negation of the proletarian cultural revolution and socialist rebels. The reactionary ideological trend of things is related to the realities of class struggle and line struggle in the field of design, exposing the performance of the critical revisionist line in the field of design, upholding the revolution, opposing restoration, advancing and opposing retrogression, and constantly raising awareness of class struggle and line struggle, In-depth development of the design revolution, and strive to do a good job of design, to “grasping the revolution and promote production,” the outstanding results to meet the 10th anniversary of the design revolution. In accordance with the teaching of Chairman Mao’s “Seriously summing up experience,” various survey and design agencies are mobilizing the masses to sum up the experience and experience of the design revolution. we
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