锦衣卫 回归传统的诚意之作

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皇家侍卫、篡权太监、叛乱亲王、大漠匪帮;暗黑都城、西域山路、沙漠集市、塞外古堡;大明十四势、新月弯刀、自制火弩、蛇形鞭;真情男女、有缘无分、亡命天涯、感天动地;所有这一切与电影《锦衣卫》密不可分的关键语词,无不突显出这部2010年强档贺岁片的神秘与霸气。光是细读一遍故事大纲,便感觉恰有一股热血上涌,满腔豪情正待抒发,不由生出无限期待。甄子丹、赵薇、吴尊三大当红明星强强联手的主演阵容,更令影片在演出质量与宣传卖点间觅得了完美平衡。没能领略本片初剪版之前,光看《锦衣卫的》的图文素材,并不足以让人做出最准确的判断。有幸先睹为快之后,杂志社编辑部同仁默契般达成共识:只需带着一颗对香港经典武侠世界满怀崇敬之心,投入到李仁港导演此番苦心营造的绮丽魔幻空间,体味戏中人物真真假假、剪不断却理得顺的关系线索,就会发自肺腑地点头承认,这部回归传统的诚意之作绝对值得好好看一看。 Royal guards, the usurper eunuchs, the rebel Prince, the desert bandit gangs; Diablo all city, Western Mountain Road, Desert Market, Fort Seborgai; Ming fourteen potential Crescent Moon, homemade fire crossbow, serpentine; , Desperate End of the World, a sense of heaven and earth; all of these and the movie “Kam Yi Wei” are inseparable from the key words, all highlights the mysterious and domineering 2010 Spring Festival documentary. Just read the outline of the story is light, they feel just an upsurge of blood, full of pride are waiting to express, could not help give birth to infinite expectations. Donnie Yen, Vicki Zhao, Wu Zun three popular stars joined forces starring lineup, but also make the film in the show quality and promotional outlets found a perfect balance between. Did not appreciate the film before the first cut version of the light to see the “Guardian of the” graphic material, not enough people to make the most accurate judgments. Fortunate to have a glimpse into the fast after the magazine editorial department colleagues reached a consensus like a tacit understanding: just with a heart of respect for the classic martial arts in Hong Kong, into the Li Yan porter this time painstaking efforts to create beautiful and magical space, Fake and scissors continue to be clues to the relationship between the clues, it will be nodded from the bottom of one’s heart and soul recognition, this return to the traditional good faith definitely worth a good look.
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