打击假冒伪劣 整顿钢材市场

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今年以来,党中央、国务院对整顿和规范经济秩序十分重视,先后召开了社会治安综合治理会议、整顿和规范市场经济秩序会议。最近,国务院又发布了《关于整顿和规范市场经济秩序的决定》。年初,国家经贸委还专门下发了《关于继续做好2001年关停小钢厂工作的通知》,召开了淘汰落后装备座谈会,加大了整顿和规范钢材市场的力度,使钢材市场出现了近年来少有的可喜气象;钢材价格有升有降,总体略有回升,平稳发展,建筑类钢材价格持续走强,板材价格自去年三季度下滑后,目前已出现止跌反弹趋势。钢材市场走势向好,为钢铁企业提高经济效益创造了有利条件,使钢铁工业在新世纪之初出现了一个良好的开局;销售收入稳定增长,实现利税大幅上升,今年上半年实现利税242亿元,同比增长25.56%,其中实现利润94.2亿 Since the beginning of this year, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have attached great importance to the rectification and standardization of the economic order. They have successively held the conference on the comprehensive management of public order and the rectification and standardization of the market economy order. Recently, the State Council promulgated the “Decision on Rectifying and Standardizing the Order of the Market Economy.” At the beginning of this year, the State Economic and Trade Commission also issued a circular titled “Keeping the Work on Cutting Down and Shutting Down Small Steel mills in 2001”, held a forum on eliminating outdated equipment, intensified efforts to rectify and standardize the steel market, and brought the steel market to market In recent years rare gratifying phenomenon; steel prices rose, the overall slight rebound, the steady development of construction steel prices continued to rise, the sheet metal prices fell since the third quarter of last year, there has been a rebound in the trend rebounded. Steel market trend is good, which has created favorable conditions for the iron and steel enterprises to enhance economic efficiency, so that the iron and steel industry started a good start in the beginning of the new century. The sales revenue increased steadily and profits and taxes rose sharply. In the first half of this year, profits and taxes of 24.2 billion yuan , An increase of 25.56% over the same period of last year, of which, a profit of 9.42 billion yuan was realized
乔哀斯·卡洛尔·欧茨(Joyce Carol Oates,1938—)是美国当代著名女作家,出生于美国纽约州北部布法罗市郊洛克波特的工人家庭,幼年在她外祖父的农场上度过一些“非常悲惨的
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瑞典文学院10月6日宣布,英国小说家威廉·戈尔丁(WilliamGolding)以1954年发表的长篇小说《蝇王》(Lord of the Flies)获1983年诺贝尔文学奖。戈尔丁因《蝇王》这部小说闻名