MOCVD growth of AlGaInP/GaInP quantum well laser diode with asymmetric cladding structure for high p

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mayflysnow
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In order to improve the characteristics of the general broad-waveguide 808-nm semiconductor laser diode (LD),we design a new type quantum well LD with an asymmetric cladding structure.The structure is grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD).For the devices with 100-μm-wide stripe and 1000-μm-long cavity under continuous-wave (CW) operation condition,the typical threshold current is 190 mA,the slope efficiency is 1.31 W/A,the wall-plug efficiency reaches 63%,and the maximum output power reaches higher than 7 W.And the internal absorption value decreases to 1.5 cm-1. In order to improve the characteristics of the general broad-waveguide 808-nm semiconductor laser diode (LD), we design a new type of quantum well LD with an asymmetric cladding structure. The structure is grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). For the devices with 100-μm-wide stripe and 1000-μm-long cavity under continuous-wave (CW) operation condition, the typical threshold current is 190 mA, the slope efficiency is 1.31 W / A, 63%, and the maximum output power reaches higher than 7 W. And the internal absorption value decreases to 1.5 cm-1.
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