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必须提高反馈谈话的质量与艺术乌鲁木齐石化总厂陈莉:干部考核以后的反馈谈话,是干部管理工作中的一个重要环节,处理得好,能够增强干部考核工作的透明度,使领导干部能够比较全面系统地了解职工群众中的意见、建议和要求,增强干部自觉接受群众监督的意识,激励他们发... The Quality and Art of Feedback Talks Must Be Improved Chen Li, Urumqi Petrochemical Plant: Feedback from cadres after examination is an important link in the management of cadres. Well handled, it can enhance the transparency of cadre examination and make the leading cadres more comprehensive Systematically understand the opinions, suggestions and demands of the masses of workers, enhance the awareness of cadres to consciously accept the supervision of the masses and encourage them to ...
A gluten-free diet is currently the only effective means of treating individuals with celiac disease. Such a diet enables celiac patients to control their sympt
The role and timing of endoscopy in the setting of acute biliary pancreatitis(ABP) is still being debated. Despite numerous randomized trials have been publishe
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