Illustrator from Haining Honored at Bologna

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  Lisk Feng is an award-winning New York-based freelance illustrator who is initially from Haining in eastern China’s Zhejiang Province. The 29-year-old woman artist won a special mention in the category of Opera Prima (First Works) of BolognaRagazzi Award for the year 2019. Her illustrations were part of , a book by Sangma Francis and published by London-based Flying Eye Books. BolognaRagazzi Award is a top international award issued to best illustrators at Bologna Children’s Book Fair, the very leading professional fair for children’s books in the world.
Views of Everest, illustrated by Lisk Feng

  The other day I contacted Lisk Feng in New York and we talked on phone. Feng is the first Chinese who attained a special mention at the BolognaRagazzi Award. She was delighted and surprised to get the honor at her debut at the book fair. “I had no idea that the publisher put my book up for competition. I had not expected to win any award at BolognaRagazzi Award. I thought I wouldn’t get such an award until I was 50 or 60,” says the illustrator.
  Lisk Feng spent her undergraduate years studying illustration at China Academy of Art based in Hangzhou. She received a master’s degree of MFA Illustration Practice from Maryland Institute College of Art in 2014.
  Flying Eye Books is a publisher she had long since wanted to work with, the illustrator tells me. Before she was engaged in this  project, she had drawn illustrations for a number of children’s books published in China. Seeing me curious about any possible difference between Flying Eye Books and the publishers in China she had worked with, Feng did not hesitate to talk about her impressions.
  “The major difference lies in the methodology. The illustration publishing system in China is yet to mature as illustrators are often tasked to run against time. The publishers in Britain and the USA have developed a system that has come into being and matured through a history of at least 100 years in publishing illustrations and pictorials for children. Publishers often prefer illustrators who are not specialized in creating for children as these artists often produce something very inspirational and aesthetically amazing,” explains Feng.
  “Flying Eye Books used to be an independent publisher and it is especially good at making best illustrations and book designs. Illustrators step by step follow a clear set of guidelines formulated by the publisher in doing their works,” explains Feng.   Lisk Feng carries the comparison further. “The market of illustrations for children’s books is going well in China, but some problems are quite worrisome. For example, some books push illustrations to an awkwardly secondary position. Some editors even think illustrations are not necessary,” observes the illustrator.
  Feng likes a number of international publishers for their boldness. “They are bold. They are picky about their target buyers. In other words, they differentiate niches of market. Some books are designed to appeal to those parents with refined taste for highly artistic books. Some books are designed to target lowbrow tastes. At present, Chinese publishers favor books that appeal to the largest group of buyers. That is why some picky parents find these books flawed and turn to books imported from international publishers.”
  Feng takes a broader view of Chinese tradition. Some publishers in China think the Chinese characteristics can only come from the past. She thinks the present-day life in China is part of the Chinese aesthetics. It doesn’t have to be traditional, she believes.
  Feng thinks illustrators and editors must work closely together to produce excellent books for children. Best editors bring the best out of illustrators, she believes. That’s her tip to some publishers in China.
  A prolific artist, Lisk Feng has done a lot of publications and advertisings projects for prestigious organizations and news media such as The New Yorker, Apple, Penguin, Airbnb, The New York Times, Chanel, etc.
不久前,应中国作家协会、爱尔兰蒙斯特文学中心和法国“潘多拉空间”诗歌协会邀请,我随中国诗人代表团赴爱尔兰科克、法国里昂参加两国文学节,与当地观众近距离接触,在国际舞台上讲述中国故事。都柏林,徜徉在文学之城  这是我第三次应中国作协之邀参加国外文学交流,第一次是2010年随中国作家代表团参加日中韩文学论坛,团长是中国作家协会主席铁凝,副团长是莫言。第二次是2014年随中国作家代表团访问波兰、匈牙利,
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“有没有发现,你很多袜子少了一只?”  “是呀是呀,我抽屉里的好多袜子都只剩一只啦!”  “知道另一只袜子去哪里了吗?有一群袜子精灵住在我们家,他们最爱吃袜子,特别是棉线袜子和羊毛袜子,嗯,如果有点味道……那就更好了。不过他们只拿走一只袜子,给你留下另一只。”  “我丢的袜子就是棉线的!”  “你想不想找到袜子精灵?袜子精灵平时是看不见的,他们像变色龙一样‘隐身’了,世界上只有两个人见过他们……”
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An archaeological excavation conducted from December 2015 to February 2018 confirms that City Hill, a nondescript earth mound no more than 50 meters above sea level, was where the capital of Yin Count