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  Cultural Centers Flourish across Rural Zhejiang
  By Lu Fang
  A provincial work conference on rural cultural centers was held from April 18 and 19 in Yinzhou, a district of Ningbo in eastern Zhejiang. The representatives from all over the province gathered to have case studies of the model cultural centers in Ningbo.
  Demographic data indicates that rural residents account for 38% of the population of the province. For a long time, investment into cultural undertakings lagged somewhat behind investment into economy. In order to solve this problem, Zhejiang launched a province-wide project in 2013 in a bid to set up cultural centers in all villages with a population of 500 and more. Since then, cultural centers in rural Zhejiang have become a phenomenon. At the yearend of 2018, there were 11,059 cultural centers in rural areas across the province and 52.4% of the villages with a population of 500 or more had a cultural center, as indicated in government statistics. It is expected that 3,000 more cultural centers would be added in 2019 and that by 2022 all the villages with a population of 500 and more will have had a cultural center.   Fascinated by the phenomenon, I took a brief trip not a long ago and visited three village cultural centers in Xiangshan, a coastal county under the jurisdiction of Ningbo, a harbor city in eastern Zhejiang.
  The first cultural center I visited is in Tatouwang, a village in Huangbi’ao Town. Unmistakably the village’s economy has everything to do with the sea. I saw rows of kelp stacked on racks being dried in the air on the beach. The kelp fluttered like flags, emitting a strong and delightful smell. The village has a seaside road paved in colors. The two-story cultural center, built in 2016, boasts a museum, an auditorium, and a lecture hall. The museum on the ground floor displays the life of local villagers: farming tools and fishing tools and seafood products. The auditorium and the lecture hall have served as venues for many cultural events and lectures. There are five long corridors, the walls of which feature photos and texts about the history of the village, life, family mottos, etc. On the fa?ade wall near the gate of the cultural center are six light boxes showing a total of 120 poems, all composed by Yao Xie, a poet of the Qing Dynasty. The poems are all about Xihu Port, where the village is situated.
  The cultural center has hosted 20 some cultural events since its inception, including a promotional activity of a weekly film festival in Ningbo, I learned. In the evening, I watched a village artist perform a ballad singing at the cultural center.
  Xugong’ao Village in Tuci Town was my second stop of the trip. It is also a seaside village. The cultural center is a large compound: the auditorium, the garden, the pastry workshop, a waterside zone, a theater stage built in a pond above water, and a long corridor. In fact, the village is a huge tourist attraction. The cultural center serves as a tourist facility there. The pastry provides tourists with pastries in the village style, using seasonal ingredients. The waterside zone is a place where children play traditional games. I watched villagers sing a village song on the theater stage. They had been rehearsing for about half a month. I chatted with a tourist who came all the way from Shenyang, a city in Northeast China. “I didn’t expect to see such a beautiful village with a colorful cultural life. The village is a scenic attraction itself. Villagers here must be very happy,” commented the tourist. Nor had I foreseen such a beautiful village before I started this journey.   My last stop was Xilifang Village in Qiangtou Town. The village is surrounded by verdant hills and flanked on either side by a stream. In comparison with the previous two villages, Xilifang goes back to very ancient times. In 2017, it was inscribed on the first provincial list of ancient villages. In 2019, it was identified as a model village of history and culture.
  The village’s cultural center is full of historical charms. Based on ancient houses and compounds, the village has an art museum, a history museum, and a center for culture and tourism. During my visit to the art museum, I saw a few foreigners sitting at a long table covered with a long piece of red paper and learning paper-cutting under the guidance of a few villagers. The scene of the foreigners trying something very traditional and Chinese in the ancient architectural ambiance of the gallery was a wonder to my eyes. I came to a large farmland of the blooming canola crop beside the village at dusk. As darkness began descending, the field looked charming. Some tourists took out their cell phones and photographed the scene.
不久前,应中国作家协会、爱尔兰蒙斯特文学中心和法国“潘多拉空间”诗歌协会邀请,我随中国诗人代表团赴爱尔兰科克、法国里昂参加两国文学节,与当地观众近距离接触,在国际舞台上讲述中国故事。都柏林,徜徉在文学之城  这是我第三次应中国作协之邀参加国外文学交流,第一次是2010年随中国作家代表团参加日中韩文学论坛,团长是中国作家协会主席铁凝,副团长是莫言。第二次是2014年随中国作家代表团访问波兰、匈牙利,
2018年10月30日,武侠小说大师金庸先生辞世。不知不觉,已有一年。  金大侠用妙笔为我们描绘出一个江湖的童话,并告诉我们做人的道理。  《神雕侠侣》中,程英道:“三妹,你瞧这些白云聚了又散,散了又聚,人生离合,亦复如斯。”这个为我们塑造一个个武侠世界的人,离开整整一年了,可他留下的江湖,却足以影響无数的华夏人。而浙江与金大侠之间,更是有特殊的情谊。  1996年和1997年,金庸分别受聘为原杭
“有没有发现,你很多袜子少了一只?”  “是呀是呀,我抽屉里的好多袜子都只剩一只啦!”  “知道另一只袜子去哪里了吗?有一群袜子精灵住在我们家,他们最爱吃袜子,特别是棉线袜子和羊毛袜子,嗯,如果有点味道……那就更好了。不过他们只拿走一只袜子,给你留下另一只。”  “我丢的袜子就是棉线的!”  “你想不想找到袜子精灵?袜子精灵平时是看不见的,他们像变色龙一样‘隐身’了,世界上只有两个人见过他们……”