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1970—74期间,用普通小麦的 T 型细胞质雄性不育系、保持系(品种或品系)和具有 timopheevi 细胞质的恢复系研完了它们对雄性不育育性恢复的关系。结果表明,在普通小麦中,根据各品种对不育系和恢复系育性反应,可以分为三种类型。由这三种类型品种转育成相应的易恢复或难恢复不育系,或不能转育成不育系。不育系育性恢复的难易,可通过具部分恢复力的恢复系与不育系或保持系(品种)测交鉴别。难恢复的不育系,可以通过易恢不育系的保持系来改良.恢复系与具有部分恢复力的品种杂交,有可能提高其恢复力. During 1970-74, their relationship to the fertility restoration of male sterility was studied with the T-type cytoplasmic male sterile line, the maintainer line (variety or line), and the restorer line with the timopheevi cytoplasm. The results showed that, in common wheat, according to the variety of sterile and restorer lines fertility reaction can be divided into three types. By these three types of varieties into the corresponding easy to restore or difficult to restore sterile lines, or can not be transferred into sterile lines. The fertility restoration of sterile lines is easy and can be identified by the restorer lines with partial restoring force and the sterile lines or maintainer lines (varieties). Hard-to-restore CMS lines can be improved by the maintainer lines of easy-restore CMS lines, which are likely to improve their resilience by crossing with partially restoring lines.
Experimental results have shown that in the megahertz frequency range the relationship between the acoustic attenuation coefficient in soft tissues and frequenc
我深以为,为师者必须多学习多运用心理学知识,深刻地把握学生的心灵状态,敏锐地作出判断,选择智慧的、艺术的、“悄然无声”的教育方式,让教育贴着学生的心灵飞扬。之所以又一次有这番感慨,是因为前段时间我们班参与的一场拔河比赛。  这是一场争夺冠亚军的比赛。尽管孩子们竭尽全力,但还是与冠军称号失之交臂。回来的路上,孩子们本来就非常沮丧,又听说主力队员吴纳海居然不打招呼“临阵脱逃”,更是义愤填膺。我的心中也
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一、前言润布勒苜蓿(Medicago medid Pers.)原产加拿大萨斯喀彻温省。我国于1972年引入,经我所几年来的引种观察和品种比较试验认为,其抗寒、抗旱性能优于我国北方现有大多
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