推进“创争”工作 实现持续多嬴

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推进“创争”工作务必要开创新的局面天以新为运、年以新为禧、人以新为生、“创争”以新为命。现代化建设进程的快慢,取决于科技人才是否能够源源不断地产生并充分发挥作用;世界多极化和经济全球化提高企业和产品的竞争力,归根到底是要提高制造者的科技水平,就是要以人为本。而我国目前这类人才奇缺。高级技师、技师占工人总数的比例仅4%不到,这已成为企业和经济的“瓶颈”。要解决这一现存的严重问题,就必须持续地开展“创争”活动。 It is imperative to create a new situation in order to promote “creating new challenges.” We should make new progress for the future, take the New Year as the Jubilee, take a new life for the people, and “create new ones for the future.” The speed of the process of modernization depends on whether a contingent of scientific and technological talents can be continuously produced and fully utilized. The world’s multi-polarization and economic globalization have raised the competitiveness of enterprises and products. In the final analysis, it is necessary to raise the technological level of manufacturers. people oriented. At present, the shortage of such talents in our country. The proportion of senior technicians and technicians in the total number of workers is less than 4%, which has become a “bottleneck” for enterprises and the economy. To solve this extant serious problem, it is imperative to carry out “contingency” activities on a continuous basis.
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。中国人民大学继续教育学院2005年度在京、外省市招生计划 Please download to view, this article does not support online ac
目的 本研究的目的是评估一项检测慢性胰腺炎脂肪吸收障碍的新试验。测定的餐后血浆脂蛋白作为外源性脂肪肠内吸收的一项指标。方法  2 3名慢性胰腺炎患者 ,包括 19名用胰