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今年的两会上龚亚夫等专家谈到了教育要培养创新人才,而早在一九九九年,江总书记在第三次全国教育工作会议上就说道:“面对世界科学技术飞速的挑战,我们必须把增强民族创新能力提到关系中华民族兴衰存亡的高度来认识。教育在培育民族创新精神和培养创造性人才方面,肩负着特殊的使命。” At this year's two sessions, Gong Yafu and other experts talked about education to train creative talents. As early as in 1999, General Secretary Jiang said at the Third National Education Conference: “In the face of the world's rapid technological and scientific challenges, We must recognize the importance of enhancing national innovation in the context of the rise and fall of the Chinese nation, and education has a special mission of nurturing national innovation and cultivating creative talents. ”"
创新精神,是我们民族几千年来生生不息、发展壮大的重要动力。 ——江泽民 The innovative spirit is an important impetus to the continuous development and growth of o
Peruvian-Spanish writer Mario VargasLlosa,2010 Nobel laureate in literature,payed anine-day visit to China in Beijing and Shanghai,kicking off on June 12.(kick
测定了稀土氧化物在氟化物熔盐中的溶解度、氟化物熔盐的密度和粘度,分析了电沉积钕的阴极过程,确定了电解富镨钕氧化物合成NdPrFe合金的工艺条件,讨论了工业规模生产的一些规律。 Th
在2000年中国企业高峰会议上,就中国企业如何面对全球标准的问题,与会的部份企业家谈了自己的看法。王林祥(中国鄂尔多斯羊绒集团有限责任公司董事长): 中国经济如何面对全球标准?全球
A bullet train passes through fields of rapeseed while running on the Xi’an-Chengdu high-speed railway near Jiangyou City, southwest China’s Sichuan Province, on March 14.  The high-speed train, which
许多高年级的同学都爱说这样一句话:“写人太难了。”老师也常在评讲作文时说:“你们笔下的人是'死'的。” 用什么评定作文中的人是“死” 还是“活”? 每个人都有自己的特点