Re-Examination on the Climatological Significance of the Ice Core δ~(18)O Records from No.1 Glac

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lala_
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Ice core δ{}+{18}O records from the No.1 glacier at the head of the rümqi River were used to characterize the relationship between δ{}+{18}O and contemporaneous surface air temperature (Ta) nearby the Daxigou Meteorological Station (3539 m above sea level, ~2km away from the ice core drilling site). Although the ice core records of annually averaged δ{}+{18}O are positively correlated with contemporaneous surface air temperature, especially summer air temperature, the correlation is less significant than that for the precipitation samples due to depositional and post|depositional modification processes. However, the climatological significance of the ice core δ{}+{18}O records can be still preserved to a certain degree, which might extend the application of high altitude and sub|tropical ice core δ{}+{18}O records to paleoclimate reconstruction. Ice core δ {} + {18 } O records from the No.1 Glacier at the head of the rümqi River were used to characterize the relationship between δ {} + {18 } O and contemporaneous surface air temperature (Ta) nearby the Daxigou Meteorological Station (3539 m above sea level, ~ 2km away from the ice core drilling site). Although the ice core records of annually averaged δ {} + {18 O O are positive correlated with contemporaneous surface air temperature, especially summer air temperature, the correlation is less significant than that for the precipitation samples due to depositional and post | depositional modification processes. However, the climatological significance of the ice core δ {} + {18 O records can be still preserved to a certain degree, which might extend the application of high altitude and sub | tropical ice core δ {} + {18 O Records to paleoclimate reconstruction.
目的探讨新生儿复苏时肾上腺素的最佳用药浓度及剂量. 方法36例新生儿复苏病例按肾上腺素静注的不同浓度和剂量分为3组.A组用1:1000浓度0.01~0.03mg/kg;B组用1:1000浓度0.1~0.2mg/kg;C组用1:10 000浓度0.01mg/kg.分析3组首剂有效率、短期存活率和长期存活率的差异. 结果A组和B组首剂有效率均明显高于C组(P<0.05);A、B两组间无统计学差异.短期
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