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革命老区河南省确山县在抗日战争时期,是中共中央中原局和河南省委所在地,素有“小延安”之称。这片崇兵尚武的热土连续三年被评为“河南省双拥模范县”,县长项祥一是一位倾心支持国防建设的地方官。 最爱回的“家”是人武部 新千年第一天上班,项祥一就来到他在人武部的办公室,问他订的《中国民兵》杂志邮局送来没有,看军事科的微机是否 Old revolutionary base areas Queshan County in Henan Province during the Anti-Japanese War, the Central Plains Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the seat of Henan Provincial Committee, known as “Little Yan’an.” This piece of terra cotta warriors hot land for three consecutive years was named “double-support model counties in Henan Province,” the mayor Xiang Xiang one is devoted support for the construction of local officials. The favorite home was the first day of the new millennium for People’s Armed Forces. Xiang Xiang came to his office in the People’s Armed Police Department and asked him whether the post of “China’s militia” magazine had been delivered.
绵延千里的大兴安岭 ,沟壑纵横 ,层林尽染。而在其主峰———黄岗峰脚下 ,群山环抱着一个有40多户人家的小村落———内蒙古赤峰市克什克腾旗热水塘镇乃林沟村西洼子组。这里由
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