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By the 90 deg. elastic light scattering investigation and far field observation in the range of 20-800 centigrade, the relation between behavior of light scattering anomalies and evolution of nanodomain structures in lattice of barium sodium niobate (Ba2NaNb5O15, BSN) crystal was clarified. The correlation between anomalies on the temperature curves of the elastic light scattering intensity and temperature transformations of nanodomains was studied by X-ray and electron microscope methods. Phase transition near 500 centigrade and movement in field of scattering light could be explained by appearance of a new incommensurate phase.
With European Laser Facilities such as the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) and the Helmholtz International Beamline for Extreme Fields (HIBEF) scheduled to come online within the next couple of years, General Atomics, as a major supplier of targets and
In this paper, we report a passively mode-locked
二维激光多普勒测速一般使用氩离子激光器的蓝线(488 nm)和绿线(514.5 nm),每种线都以单纵模运转。一般情况下,装有适于两种谱线的干涉滤光片的两台光探测器与双通道电子设备结合。通过测量体积,这种技术能够区分沿两条轴的流速,并能测定局部流场速度三个分量中的两个。
A wet chemical etching process for lead zirconate titanate (PbZrxTi1?xO3 or PZT) thin films is reported. The influences of the etchant compositions, temperatures, and concentrations on the etching rate are studied, and the patterning of PZT thin films is
We report experimental progress in weakening the frequency difference lock-in phenomenon in a Y-shaped cavity dual-frequency laser. A cube coil pair is chosen to provide a uniform magnetic field for tunability and uniformity of magnetic field strength. Wh
The interaction between polychromatic fields and atoms is an important subject in quantum optics. Frequency locking for small frequency interval multi-field is usually required in some experiments. In this letter, we experimentally demonstrate a holistic
Analytic formula of the efficiency of optical-optical double-color double-resonance multi-photon ionization (OODR-MPI) is derived from the dynamic rate equation about the interaction of photon and material. Based on this formula, the influence of characte